Chang Kwon(장권, Long Fist),Tai Jo Kwon(태조권, Fist of the Founding King or Great Ancestor Fist),Pal Gi Kwon(팔기권, Eighth Manchurian Cavalry), and Doju San (토조산, Escaping Mist) and others.
1.NAVA RODRIGUEZ, Jose Ruben -68seniorcoach 2016Pan American Championships, Queretaro 1.RODRIGUEZ HERNANDEZ, Cesar Roman -54seniorcoach 2016Pan American Championships, Queretaro 1.ARMERIA VECCHI, Paulina -57seniorcoach Images Medal count PAR∑
Taekwondo Poomsae (patterns) are a pre-arranged set of movements which are meant to be practiced by mentally picturing imaginary opponents attacking from all sides. Poomsae practice is intended to teach the martial artist the fundamentals of the art; basic techniques, balance, breathing, co-ordinati...
Degut a la pandèmia, la Federació Catalana de Taekwondo vol donar continuïtat al projecte de detecció de talents atesa la dificultat de fer trobades al Centre de Tecnificació ca ... 17/03/2021 GRÀCIES A TOTHOM ! Després de celebrar-se el Campionat de Catalunya Absolut i el Cam...
tournament in San Jose, CA. It was nothing like any other that I have been to before. I did my best and wasn’t able to bring home anything except new friends, good experience and a lot of fun. Two years later we are at September 2009. I have gone to two more Nationals, Detroit...