Tadpole definition: the aquatic larva or immature form of frogs and toads, especially after the development of the internal gills and before the appearance of the forelimbs and the resorption of the tail.. See examples of TADPOLE used in a sentence.
解题技巧1An adult frog lays (1)eggs in the water.after 12 to 16 weeks after 6 to 21 days Life Cycle The egg of a Frog becomes a The (5)_tail(2)tadpole after 6 to 9 weeks disappears.The tadpole grows The tadpole becomes two (3)hind legs a young frog with(4) lungs and two ...
谁能帮我用英语把青蛙的生长这几段话连接起来?1. frog eggs 2. 2-3weeks old tadpole(with no legs) 3. weeks old tadpole(with little hind legs coming out) 4. 12weeks old young frog(with front legs coming out) 5. 16 weeks old frog 5.frog...
Tiny hind legs begin to sprout. They grow longer and stronger while the tail grows shorter. 当春天的阳光温暖了蝌蚪的世界,它们醒来了…它们很饿。 所以他们游泳,吃饭,吃饭,游泳。 小小的后腿开始萌出。它们长得越来越长,尾巴越来越短。 Tiny fron...
Some first long forelimbs,long hind legs, such as newt. With the tail gradually atrophic, mouth was alsochanged, gradually developed into can live on the land of the young adult.Caudata in Sirenidae and life have gills, water of life. The tadpole metamorphosisand adult development process, ...
the female approached the male and touched him laterally with her snout. the male moved forward and raised his hindquarters by stretching his hind legs. while leading the female, the male continued to give courtship and advertisement calls. the male clasped the female in axillary amplexus, and...
A young toad or frog in its larval stage of development that lives in water, has a tail and no legs, and, like a fish, breathes through gills. [..] + 添加翻译 英文-斯洛文尼亚文字典 paglavec noun masculine toad or frog larva [..] She needs to move them and so encourages ...
When limb buds were transplanted to embryos of a typical tadpole species (Rana pipiens), the buds formed legs with knees, digits, and some cartilage, but they did not elongate. Since limb buds transplanted to various sites on E. coqui embryos tended to develop completely, the limited ...