Eleven patients had Horner's syndrome, four had Adie's tonic pupil, and eight had definite or probable migraine (another three had possible migraine). The episodes eventually stopped, leaving no serious sequelae. Focal application of phenylephrine produced a similar distortion in a normal human eye...
tadpole-shaped pupiltad·pole-·shaped pu·pil an intermittent, brief distortion and dilation of a pupil that draws one part of the iris into a peak so that the pupil resembles a tadpole; a temporary, benign condition associated with migraine that may leave the patient with Horner syndrome. ...
A provisional diagnosis of a variant of right Horner's syndrome was made. A chest X-ray and magnetic resonance imaging of the brain and orbits were both normal. Some weeks later, the patient captured a picture of the pupillary distortion (Figure 1) confirming the diagnosis of a tadpole-...