总平面图 / Site Plan ©Tadao Ando 平面图 / Floor Plan ©Tadao Ando 安藤忠雄 / 日本建筑大师、Tadao Ando Architect & Associates创始人 安藤忠雄是国际建筑和设计领域的重要人物,他在令人瞩目的职业生涯中不断完善自己的技能。他于20世纪60年代初进入这个行业,并在此后独立发展自己的专业知识,其当代作品...
当然作为一本建筑书少不了plan,section,elevation这些architectural drawing,以及一些漂亮的建筑摄影。阅读这本书的趣味,主要集中在看Ando如何从项目自身发展出concept,如何完美再现image skectch上那些饶有趣味的空间,以及看他如何用建筑的语言表达concept。这部分是最enlighten的部分,大师的image充满想象力,而建筑语言简练...
安藤忠雄(Tadao Ando,1941— ),日本大阪人。18岁时,从未受过正规教育的安藤开始考察日本文化古城京都和奈良的庙宇、神殿和茶社等传统建筑。20世纪60年代起,他又开始游历欧美,考察研究西方文明中的伟大建筑,绘制了大量的旅行速写草图并一直保存至今。1969年创立了安藤忠雄研究所,设计了许多大规模的公共建筑和小型的个人...
Update: Finally, Mr.Ando has his own website. Just like most of his architecture, the website design is simple. His company’s official name is ‘Tadao Ando Architect & Associates‘. As for his email and phone number, you’ll have to do a little digging to get it. For privacy reason...
Discover the latest Architecture news and projects on Tadao Ando at ArchDaily, the world's largest architecture website. Stay up-to-date with articles and updates on the newest developments in architecture.
Site Plan | © Tadao Ando Floor Plan | © Tadao Ando Casa Wabi Gallery of Images About Tadao Ando Tadao Ando is an acclaimed Japanese architect based in Osaka who won the Pritzker Architecture Prize in 1995. He is a self-taught architect who has actively been engaged in social projects...
Discover the latest Architecture news and projects on Tadao Ando at ArchDaily, the world's largest architecture website. Stay up-to-date with articles and updates on the newest developments in architecture.
the clients discovered they were expecting twins and the architect realised it would be too small for their needs, so kept it for his own use. “I learnt from this experience that life does not always go according to plan,” says Ando, who has described the remarkable evolution of his own...
安藤忠雄(Tadao Ando).doc,安藤忠雄(Tadao Ando) Tadao Ando [profile] Ando Tadao (September 13, 1941 -), Japanese Osaka, Japanese architect. Ando Tadao resume: Born in Osaka, Japan in 1941, Around 1957, professional boxing began, 1959~1961 years, invest
Buddhist temple, Saijo, Japan TADAO ANDO 67|10 66|10 B UDDHIST TEMPLE , S AIJO , J APAN A RCHITECT T ADAO A NDO Despite his increasingly prolific output, Tadao Ando is still able to create buildings that are powerful,subtle, and moving. Komyo-ji, a new temple for the Pure Land ...