YouTube Channel The Hacksmith created a thermal vision helmet inspired by the ones worn by the Predators/Yautja from the series of the same name. They accomplished this by utilizing several off-the-shelf camera and computer components, including a FLIR Lepton 3.5 thermal censor pulled from a ...
From HARDCORE TACTICS, the brilliant minds behind Mag Pants, comes Nekomimi Helmet Ears. For when your tactical helmet isn’t quite moe enough, just stick these Velcro loop-compatible cat ears on top, and you’re good to go. They’re made of lightweight nylon and come in three colors: ...
Having access to the data increases understanding of how the data works - and the more "realistic" the simulation, the less likely the player is to have access to the data. In Panzer Command , for example (based on the miniature rules), players have the ability to modify unit data if ...