Several Air Force and Army organizations have collaborated over the last two years to prepare and fly a common data link (CDL) subsystem on the TacSat-2 sa... RG Dewey,J Bishop - IEEE 被引量: 8发表: 2005年 TacSat-4: Military Utility in a Small Communication Satellite Tacsat-4's protot...
The partners include NRL (Naval Research Laboratory), AFRL (Air Force Research Laboratory), DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), the Army Space and Missile Defense Center, and the USAF Space and Missile Systems Center. AFRL is leading the TacSat-3 team- serving as the project ...
ThepartnersincludeNRL(NavalResearchLaboratory),AFRL(AirForceResearchLaboratory),DARPA (DefenseAdvancedResearchProjectsAgency),theArmySpaceandMissileDefenseCenter,andthe USAFSpaceandMissileSystemsCenter.AFRLisleadingtheTacSat-3team-servingastheproject integrator.TheTacSat-3missionwasselectedforspecificcapabilitiestomeet...