Combo Burrito Nutrition Facts 510CALORIES 28.7TOTAL FAT (g) 50.3CARB (g) 20.1PROTEIN (g) Calories from fat (fat cal)258.3 Saturated fat (g)11.9 Trans fat (g)0.7 Cholesterol (mg)42.3 Sugars (g)1.3 Sodium (mg)1185.5 Dietary fiber (g)11.3 ...
Potato Burrito Nutrition Facts Chicken Beef Chicken 290CALORIES 12.6TOTAL FAT (g) 31.1CARB (g) 11.7PROTEIN (g) Calories from fat (fat cal)113.4 Saturated fat (g) 5.4 Trans fat (g) 0.1 Cholesterol (mg) 33.1 Sugars (g) 1.5 Sodium (mg) 674.1 Dietary fiber (g) 2.1 See All...
Known for their Tex-Mex classics like the "Bueno Burrito" andCrispy Beef Taco. On The Border Offers a mix of Tex-Mex dishes includingfajitas, enchiladas, and tacos. Moe's Southwest Grill Offers customizable Tex-Mex bowls, burritos, andtacos. ...