下班后和同事一起去公司附近的Taco Bell探店啦!这家快餐连锁店虽然在中国的时间比KFC和麦当劳晚,但周一到周四都有买一送一的优惠活动,超级划算!📍地址:恒丰路238号泰禾大厦一楼🌮口味:🌟🌟🌟🌟经典牛肉taco脆:这款taco的外皮是脆脆的玉米饼,里面依次是西红柿、酸奶酱、生菜、车打芝士和牛肉靡。一口咬...
Taco Tuesday day day day
不过,塔可约翰于7月18日宣布,由于不想支付与塔可钟(Taco Bell)“战斗”的高额法律费用,它将结束捍卫这一商标的斗争,并将“放弃”这一宣传用语与商标。塔可约翰的首席执行官吉姆·克里尔(Jim·Creel)在一份声明中说:“我们一直因自己是‘Taco Tuesday’的发源地而骄傲,但支付数百万美元的律师费来维护这个...
Discover tacos near you, weekly-updated Taco Tuesday deals, authentic recipes, and local taco spots. Join 500K+ fans celebrating Taco Tuesday with shops, restaurants, menus and events!
” said Taco John’s®CEO Jim Creel. “We love celebrating Taco Tuesday®with taco lovers everywhere, and we even want to offer a special invitation to fans of Taco Bell to liberate themselves by coming by to see how flavorful and bold tacos can be at Taco John’s®all month long...
taco快餐,就是那种白饼包着肉,饼有的是脆的有的是软的,这个店就像是麦,kfc这种汉堡店把汉堡换成了taco,味道还行,谈不上多好吃,但也不会太难吃。 pic_cover: food_deal_module: dotSource: 回应 2024-09-06 更新于24-09-06 23:34 匿名用户
Taco Bell "For years, we've celebrated National Taco Day on October 4th, but it's always felt like there was a bigger opportunity to align it with something even more special -- Taco Tuesday," Marlo Anderson, founder of National Day Calendar, said in a press release. "Thanks to Taco ...
Taco Bell filed a challenge with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, urging the agency to cancel the trademark so that it would be "freely available to all who make, sell, eat and celebrate tacos.""Taco Bell believes 'Taco Tuesday' should belong to all who make, sell, eat and ce...
3月25日消息,今天是美国时间周二,又到了湖人球星勒布朗-詹姆斯家的Taco Tuesday(玉米卷周二),老詹在自家豪宅屋顶享用了玉米卷早餐,并且再次奉献了魔性大喊。开始,老詹还一脸严肃,“我知道大家都搞不懂当前局势,但你们需要尽量保持积极心态,继续与你爱的人共度时光。”随后,突然开始露出笑容,“但有一件事...
During Taco Week, each restaurant is rolling out their own one-of-a-kind taco specials! Brace yourself for a flavor explosion and dive into the world of folded delights, all while supporting local businesses, oneat a time! Learn More ...