taco bell点餐 v7.22.0 安卓版 应用大小:62.84 MB 应用语言:英文 应用类型:国外软件 / 购物美食 应用授权:免费软件 更新时间:2021-07-07 02:57:59 应用等级: 应用厂商:- 应用平台:Android 应用官网:http://www.itmop.com/ ITMOP本地下载 0%(0)差评0%(0)...
Today, the ‘Tex-Mex’ fast food giant has refreshed its mobile apps to bring mobile ordering to the mix. Just select a local Taco Bell in theAndroidoriOSapp, build your order, and pay. Then you just show up, bypass any lines, and you’re good to go. Taco Bell’s website and so...
这是一款易于使用的软件,您可使用他找到您附近的Taco Bell快餐店以便于您可以很快地去订购食物点击弹出的窗口将会为您指明方向更新:支持了Move2SD。修复了一些错误 快餐店Taco Bell 搜索器更新内容 提升了稳定性。 更多 网友评论更多 下载豌豆荚,参与网友评论互动 暂无评论 应用下载排行榜 UC浏览器 109.36MB 查...
Taco Bell is testing a mobile application that allows customers to place an order for food and pay for the meal before even arriving at the fast food chain. According to theLos Angeles Times, the mobile app is currently in a closed beta test ...
Taco Bell的食物风格就像墙上的涂鸦壁画一样火热奔放、风味浓郁、特点鲜明。对于平时几乎不吃辣的我来说真是一次特别的体验,如果作个比喻,它就像热情燃烧的焰火,在不经意间突然带给你所有绽放出的五彩纷呈的味道,然后又突然熄灭,留给你很饱、很充实的感觉。喜欢辣味、刺激食物和喜欢墨西哥风味的朋友,可以到这里尝尝。
Point 1: It’s really great – better than Taco Bell in the USA. I am a pretty big Taco Bell fan. I grew up near an outlet in Concord, California. And in the past months, I have been to outlets in Shanghai, New York and the Dominican Republic. So I’m not an exp...
taco bell就是百胜集团下的,这两年又开张了,之所以说又是因为十几年前在上海开过,但是没生意关了。新开的几家店里丰盛里的生意算火爆的,但我家附近五角场的店就冷清的吓人了。。。 其实还挺好吃的,以前喜欢吃薯片,现在喜欢吃玉米片配牛油果酱和萨尔萨酱。 不过你真的去墨西哥城吃taco。。。就会发现那玩意真的是...
This Taco Bell app will help you find the food you love at unbeatable prices. Follow the savings tips and see if you can win a Free gift card!From one of the largest fast food restaurant chains in the US to the Android market, it is now available - the Taco Bell Coupons and Savings...