Tilt table test.If your tachycardia causes you to faint, your doctor may order this test. You lie flat on a table while your heart rate and rhythm are checked. Then the table is moved up until you're in a standing position. The tests checks how your heart reacts when you're tilted ...
arrhythmia(ārĭᵺˈmēə), disturbance in the rate or rhythm of the heartbeat. Various arrhythmias can be symptoms of seriousheartdisorders; however, they are usually of no medical significance except in the presence of additional symptoms. The heart's rhythm is controlled by an electrical...
You have new or worsening symptoms. You have swelling in your ankles or feet. You have questions or concerns about your condition or care.Medicines:Medicines can help control your heart rate or rhythm. You may need more than one medicine to treat your symptoms. Take your medicine as directed...
In some people, tachycardia is the result of a cardiac arrhythmia (a heart-generated abnormality of heart rate or rhythm). Tachycardia can also be caused by lung problems, such as pneumonia or a blood clot in one of the lung's arteries....
Data demonstrated S-ICD therapy had an inappropriate shock-free rate of 95.9% at 18-months post-procedure, meeting the primary endpoint with a rate comparable to or lower than those seen in previous S-ICD and transvenous implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (TV-ICD) studies, conclusively showing...
and during attacks the heart rate may be as fast as 200–250 beats per minute (seeFig. 7). Special drugs are now available to treat this abnormal rhythm, and in some cases the accessory bundle may have to be divided by a nonsurgical radiofrequency ablation technique. Recent advances have ...
1. Initial evaluation Assess appropriateness for clinical condition Heart rate typically ≥150 bpm in tachyarrhythmia 2.
1nvestigations ECG: regular rhythm present, usually with narrow QRS complexes; occasionally, pre- existing or rate-related bw1dle branch block leads ta broad QRS complexes. Atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia: Usually the P waves are superimposcd in the QRS complex in II. lil, and ...
Again, the fluctuation in cycle length of the HH and VV intervals might have been caused by sinus rhythm penetration on the reentrant circuit; however, it might not easily exclude the DAVNNT. Such tachycardias are incessant and variable in cycle length depending on the sinus rate. In rare ...
(redirected fromtachycardiac) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Related to tachycardiac:tachycardia tach·y·car·di·a (tăk′ĭ-kär′dē-ə) n. A rapid heart rate, especially one above 100 beats per minute in an adult. [tachy-+ Greekkardiā,heart; seecardia.] ...