TACACS+认证的工作过程取决于START消息中的action和authen_type字段的取值。 不同的action和authen_type字段的组合需要配合不同的priv_lvl、service、port和rem_addr字段,实现不同的业务。 TACACS+协议中目前描述了13个action和authen_type字段的组合,这里列出几个比较常见的组合: 4.5.1 Enable Requests Enable Requests...
TACACS+支持除包头之外所有信息的加密,加密方法如下: 1) 将session_id、secret key, 版本号和sequence number一起进行MD5运算(其中secret key 为TACACS客户端和服务器之间的共享秘密),计算结果为MD5_1。 2) 后续的MD5运算将上次MD5运算的结果也纳入运算范围,如下: MD5_1 = MD5{session_id, key, version, seq...
TACACS+支持除包头之外所有信息的加密,加密方法如下: 1) 将session_id、secret key, 版本号和sequence number一起进行MD5运算(其中secret key 为TACACS客户端和服务器之间的共享秘密),计算结果为MD5_1。 2) 后续的MD5运算将上次MD5运算的结果也纳入运算范围,如下: MD5_1 = MD5{session_id, key, version, seq...
TACACS+协议主要⽤于PPP和VPDN(Virtual Private Dial-up Network,虚拟私有拨号⽹络)接⼊⽤户及终端⽤户的AAA。AAA是Authentication、Authorization、Accounting(认证、授权、计费)的简称,是⽹络安全的⼀种管理机制,提供了认证、授权、计费三种安全功能。认证:确认访问⽹络的远程⽤户的⾝份,判断...
In the server template, specify the IP address, port number (49 by default), and shared key of the server connected to the switch. The configuration of the switch must be the same as that of the server. # hwtacacs-server template t1 hwtacacs-server authentication hwtacacs-server ...
In the server template, specify the IP address, port number (49 by default), and shared key of the server connected to the switch. The configuration of the switch must be the same as that of the server. # hwtacacs-server template t1 hwtacacs-server authentication hwtacacs-server ...
primary accounting|authorization ip-address port-number key accounting|authentication|authorization}string timer response-timeout seconds time quiet minutes timer realtime-accounting minutes stop-accounting-buffer enable user-name-format {with-domain|without-domain}...
In the server template, specify the IP address, port number (49 by default), and shared key of the server connected to the switch. The configuration of the switch must be the same as that of the server. # hwtacacs-server template t1 hwtacacs-server authentication hwtacacs-server ...
(0x21) End header type=AUTHEN/START, priv_lvl = 15action=login authen_type=ascii service=login user_len=5 port_len=6 (0x6), rem_addr_len=14 (0xe) data_len=0 User: port: rem_addr: data: End packet dump_start_session() PSkfree test getTacacsTimeout(): Begin getTacacsTimeout()...
In the server template, specify the IP address, port number (49 by default), and shared key of the server connected to the switch. The configuration of the switch must be the same as that of the server. # hwtacacs-server template t1 hwtacacs-server authentication hwtacacs-server ...