当只使用activeTab权限时,MS Edge抛出错误,Chrome给出添加选项卡权限的结果,我可以在MS Edge中获得结果 这是故意的不同,还是bug,或者做了其他不正确的事情?试图请求最小权限,因为Mozilla和Google要求验证具有广泛访问权限的使用情况。 与Why browser.tabs.query is not working in Edge Extension ?相似但不相同 micr...
alt + tab not showing edge tabs alt + tab not working Alt+Tab only works if there is something in the background to switch to. If there is nothing to switch to (the game that has focus is the only thing running), the command isn't executed. *Confused I can alt tab back even if...
Re:Tabs freezing in Chrome, Edge or any browser I'm adding some videos for the issue that I'm facing. Everything is up to date. I face this issue in edge and chrome. I didn't test it on another browser. Because these are the browsers, I just use. What you would say about the ...
Mar 30, 2021 Edge Window Max\Min buttons not working when flag "Vertical tabs hide title bar" enabled This is currently in Canary 91.0.842. I have submitted feedback. Tried a couple of different computers to verify. Reply View Full Discussion (2 Replies)Show Parent R...
NZ-TAB-NAV-Operation this button will not be displayed in some cases | ENVIRONMENT | Info | | --- | --- | | | NG-Zorro-ATD | 17.1.0 | | Browser | The latest version of Chrome and Edge | It can be reproduced in the official document: in the TABS tab page, the example of ...
AideaTabs,一个自由的智慧搜索工具。正如其名,它的诞生没有目的,只是某一时刻的想法。简洁的页面,自定义搜索快捷键,嵌入多种大语言模型。发挥你的想象力,用它来定制属于自己的搜素方式。 新版本对软件整体进行优化,之前的功能也随之进行了变动 1. 从 0.1.5 版本开始,取消所有默认的快捷键搜索引擎,全部更改为自...
Anybody notice that Microsoft Edge will not let you control your new tabs anymore and forces you to use their Bing crap and other poop from MSN? Advertisements The only Microsoft option available to change this is in Group policies on domain and Azure networks. So, if you’re just a geek...
BattleTabs offers in-app purchases where you can get additional content (new ships, cosmetic items) through an in-game store or a monthly subscription. In-app purchases and the subscription are NOT required to play the game. 💡 Latest updates: https://battletabs.com/updates显示更多 用户评价...
In the 2007 Office release, RibbonX does not apply to context menus, but they can be extended and customized using the CommandBars object model just as they could in the past. 10. Status Bar The status bar contains several handy new controls, such as word count and the view slider. The...
My only workaround seems to be opening my most sensitive tabs in their own window.This concept is ruining mult-tab browsing by not working as advertised. Why can't I just keep several tabs open in a window and let them run. If I'm low on resources, I'd love the option to take ...