All my pinned tabs have disappeared in Safari when updating Macbook I don't think I did anything I shouldn't have but all my pinned tabs, bar one, have disappeared from Safari when restarting my MacBook Pro M3 for an update and this is the third time this happens. This is particularl...
Since the most recent update, the tabs in Microsoft Edge disappear when computer shuts down. Further, prior you could set aside tabs and view them at any time as a feature of Microsoft Edge but now these have completely disappeared and I don't know if they can be recovered. am very disa...
"All my Safari tabs disappeared on my iPhone!" Worry not. The purpose of this method is to find and reopen tabs you may have accidentally closed. This works on both iPhone and iPad (although the placement of the buttons in the below screenshots will look different depending on your device)...
As of the latest version (v1.74.1 Chromium: 131.0.6778.24 (Official Build) beta (arm64)), the chrome scrollable tabs flags have disappeared. I also cannot find anything within Brave that replaces it with the same functionality. Specifically, I use these settings: #scrollable-tabstrip #tab-s...
I updated to the latest version and my "open editors" disappeared in tab format. I can see open eitors above the folder tree but not as "tabs" above the open file. In settings I have: "workbench.editor.showTabs": true How can I get back ...
{"__ref":"Forum:board:EdgeInsiderDiscussions"},"conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversation:1120668"},"readOnly":false,"editFrozen":false,"moderationData":{"__ref":"ModerationData:moderation_data:1120668"},"body@stripHtml({\"truncateLength\":200})":" Hi Insiders, we have recei...
appeared after installing the update that morning, much like the ones Microsoft uses to encourage people to switch to Edge and Bing after a Windows update. The prompt appeared but disappeared in less than a second, so it’s possible this dialog crashed and Edge decided to do the import ...
How to fix pothole in this body? Spray the area? Low A string on 7-string just won't play right posted 6 days ago by callumkeen I have just restrung my Solar S1.7APP. I have gone from 9-62 for B Standard (BEADGBE) to 10-65 for...
Base and Bind distinguished name in active directory Base DN for LDAP Basic question of a beginner: does moving users into a sub OU have any impact? Batch file attachement with ADS user's profile Best Microsoft practice NTDS Settings replication among domain controllers Best possible way to deplo...
According to the documentation for kiosk mode and Microsoft Edge I should be able to have Edge open with multiple tabs when the kiosk user loads. The documentation I can find shows to separate each URL I want to open by including them in the homepage field like this "<>,<...