Tabletop Simulator is the only simulator where you can let your aggression out by flipping the table! There are no rules to follow: just you, a physics sandbox, and your friends. Make your own games and play how YOU want! Unlimited gaming possibilities!
About Tabletop Simulator Create your own original games, import custom assets, automate games with scripting, set up complete RPG dungeons, manipulate the physics, create hinges & joints, and of course flip the table when you are losing the game. All with an easy to use system integrated with...
To celebrate all the improvements to VR in Tabletop Simulator, we have a brand new trailer to show all the fun that can be had! VR is now in beta and while we have improved a lot on it the past few weeks, there is still more to come. Thanks everyone for your feedback during our...
在桌面游戏领域,我们不得不提《Tabletop Simulator》。这是一款桌游合集,提供多种桌面游戏。 Ars的Lee Hutchinson和我一起体验了《Tabletop Simulator》虚拟现实版本的Demo。一开始,我们并不太清楚这款游戏有什么,后面理清了这个凌乱的图形用户界面,以及HTC Vive手柄的一些操作之后,我们终于明白了如何在虚拟现实中玩《Tab...
Having technical difficulties with Tabletop Simulator? Follow this guide to help resolve them. Can't find your answer here? Your next stop should be theOfficial Forums. You can search for a solution there and, if none is available, post your problem there. ...
To celebrate all the improvements to VR in Tabletop Simulator, we have a brand new trailer to show all the fun that can be had! VR is now in beta and while we have improved a lot on it the past few weeks, there is still more to come. Thanks everyone for your feedback during our...
VR Support Singleplayer Multiplayer Co-op Show more Tabletop Simulator Statistics Statistics Powered By Play Time Statistics 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Time Played < 1 Hour 3.51% ~1 Hour 1.75% ~2 Hours 0% ~4 Hours 1.75% ~8 Hours ...
创建自己的原始游戏,导入自定义资产,使用脚本使游戏自动化,设置完整的RPG地牢,操纵物理场,创建铰链和关节,当然也可以在输掉游戏时翻转桌子。所有功能都与Steam Workshop集成了易于使用的系统。您可以在Tabletop Simulator中执行任何操作。可能性是无止境! 无尽的游戏 ...
特别是,在你的回合里,会想坐下来把键盘放在大腿上做记录,在文字界面中标记骰子记录。在用户界面微调工具中,你也不会找到成熟的人物卡系统,以至于你想快点拿到恢复力,并使用行动点数。相反,《Tabletop Simulator VR》会鼓励玩家生成”平板电脑“,虚拟iPads,并加载人物卡。
far too long, leaving open-source developers to fill the gap with a mix of webcams and simple character-sheet interfaces. But now we're in the virtual reality era, which seems ripe for something a little cooler. Enter the delightfully weird sandbox experience that isTabletop Simulator VR....