The teaspoon is a measuring spoon used for very small measurements. In a set of measuring spoons, the teaspoon is usually the third spoon, followed by a 1/2 teaspoon, a 1/4 teaspoon, and sometimes a 1/8 teaspoon. One teaspoon is equal to 1/6 fluid ounce. Teaspoon Abbreviation The mos...
A teaspoon is abbreviated as ‘tsp’ or ‘t’. The abbreviation is typically never capitalized to show it is a smaller unit. A tablespoon is abbreviated as ‘Tbsp’, ‘tbsp’, ‘tbs’, or ‘T’. The capital T represents that it is the larger measurement. This shorthand helps save spac...
T means tablespoon (also teaspoon and 414 more) Rating: 3 7 votes What is the abbreviation for tablespoon?tablespoon is abbreviated as T (also tbsp, Tbsp, tbsp., tbsp, Tbl, Tbsp., tbls or T.)Share this Have you found the page useful?Please use the following to spread the word:...
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