ORA-00959: tablespace 'USERS_OLD' does not exist 5) Create a dummy tablespace with same name. SQL> create tablespace USERS_OLD datafile '+dg1' size 10m; Tablespace created. 6) Revoke quota on tablespace USERS_OLD. SQL> alter user TESTUSER quota 0 on USERS_OLD; User altered. 7) To c...
ORA-01501: CREATE DATABASE failed ORA-01519: error while processing file '?/rdbms/admin/dtxnspc.bsq' near line 5 ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-30012: undo tablespace '~' does not exist or of wrong type Error 1519 happened during database creation, shutting down ...
IMODE=BR ILAT =605 LICENSE_MAX_USERS = 0 SYS auditing is disabled Starting up ORACLE RDBMS ...
ORA-00959: tablespace 'TB01' does not exist 当前的表空间如下: SQL>selectnamefromv$tablespace; NAME---SYSTEM SYSAUX UNDOTBS1 USERSTEMPtb01 tb02 删除表空间,报错如下 SQL>droptablespace tb01 including contentsanddatafiles;droptablespace tb01 including contentsanddatafiles*ERROR at line1: ORA-00959: ta...
Hi, A colleague of mine has just pointed out to me a problem regarding the creation of an external table on a schema whose user's default tablespace does not exist.
报错信息:IMP-00003: ORACLE error 959 encountered ORA-00959: tablespace 'HB' does not exist 原因:要导入库中如果有表字段类型为CLOB,且要导入的表空间名和原表空间名不一样就会报如下的错。 解决方法一: 1. 事先在target端建好CLOB字段所需的原名表空间 ...
If the tablespace does not exist, a new tablespace is created at the end of the statement. If the tablespace exists, this is the tablespace you have at the end of the statement. A new one is not created because the older one is detected. ...
2019-12-05 22:42 − ODA: After Apply ODA Patch, Unable to Create TableSpace Due to [ORA-15001: diskgroup "DATA" does not exist or is not mounted | ORA-15040: d... ZYLONG-SYS 0 1164 ORA-600/ORA-7445/ORA-700 Error Look-up Tool (Doc ID 153788.1) 2019-12-10 ...
ALTER DATABASE DEFAULT TABLESPACE "USERS"; Copy PL/SQL Download Rename alter tablespace temp3 rename to temp2; Copy PL/SQL Download The following errors can occur when renaming a tablespace to a name that existed for version previous to 11.2: ORA-959 Tablespace '_deleted00' Does Not Exist ...
ORA-00959: tablespace 'PSAPTEMP' does not exist 2016-11-30 23:20 − ... 费曼带我飞 0 2561 相关推荐 ODA: After Apply ODA Patch, Unable to Create TableSpace Due to [ORA-15001: diskgroup "DATA" does not exist or is not mounted | ORA-15040: diskgroup is incomplete] (...