where t.tablespace_name = f.tablespace.name and t.tablespace_name in ('XXXXTablespaceName‘) order by t.tablespace_name;
Hello Guys, I am using the query bellow to check the usage of tablespaces in my oracle DBs: select t.tablespace_name, t.size_mb, f.free_mb, round((f.free_mb*100)/t.size_mb,2) percent_free from (select tablespace_name, round(sum(bytes)/1024/1024,2) size_mb from dba_data_files...
We can get the tablespace size in oracle using query or SQL Developer or TOAD; all of these options are available to get the exact size of a particular tablespace or all tablespaces in the Database. Get Tablespace Size in Oracle Using Query To get the size of a tablespace in oracle, we...
DBA_TABLESPACE_USAGE_METRICS describestablespace usage metrics for all types of tablespaces, including permanent,temporary, and undo tablespaces. 从官网的说明,这个视图很方便,通过DBA_TABLESPACE_USAGE_METRICS视图就可以查看所有类型表空间的使用情况,包括永久,临时和undo 表空间。 Oracle的文档也说的不够详细。上...
官方文档对于DBA_TABLESPACE_USAGE_METRICS的技术是:DBA_TABLESPACE_USAGE_METRICS describes tablespace usage metrics for all types of tablespaces, including permanent, temporary, and undo tablespaces.翻译过来是:DBA_TABLESPACE_USAGE_METRICS 描述了所有类型表空间的表空间使用指标...
一.DBA_TABLESPACE_USAGE_METRICS 视图的理论说明 群里一朋友说使用dba_tablespace_usage_metrics 视图查看表空间的结果不正确,如下: dba_tablespace_usage_metrics视图在oracle 10g中引入,但未公开。 到了Oracle11g公开了这个视图。因为在Oracle 10g里可以使用这个视图,但是在官网文档里看不到说明,但是在11g的官方文档...
DBA_TABLESPACE_USAGE_METRICS describes tablespace usage metrics for all types of tablespaces, including permanent, temporary, and undo tablespaces.
数据库版本 18.3, DBA_TABLESPACE_USAGE_METRICS 不包含回滚表空间信息。原因Sign In To view full details, sign in with your My Oracle Support account. Register Don't have a My Oracle Support account? Click to get started!文档内容症状
一.DBA_TABLESPACE_USAGE_METRICS 视图的理论说明 群里一朋友说使用dba_tablespace_usage_metrics视图查看表空间的结果不正确,如下: dba_tablespace_usage_metrics视图在oracle 10g中引入,但未公开。 到了Oracle11g公开了这个视图。因为在Oracle 10g里可以使用这个视图,但是在官网文档里看不到说明,但是在11g的官方文档里...
get /database/storage/tablespaces/{tablespace_name}/history Oracle Diagnostic Pack licence is required for this service. Returns DBA_HIST_TBSPC_SPACE_USAGE records where tablespace size has changed. These records are historical tablespace usage statistics. Recent changes ...