So how to create this descriptives table in APA format? Well, it's utterly simple. Just runmeans no_1 to no_5 /cells mean stddev median skew.and transpose the resulting table. Which leaves us with one question: how to transpose a table in SPSS?
This article reflects theAPA 7th editionguidelines.Click herefor APA 6th edition guidelines. Atableconcisely presents information (often numbers) in rows and columns. Afigureis any other image or illustration you include in your text—anything from a bar chart to a photograph. Tables and figures ...
Caulfield, J. (2023, December 27).Citing Tables and Figures in APA Style | Format & Examples.Scribbr. Retrieved December 30, 2024, from Cite this article Is this article helpful?
The usage of linear electric motors in seismic shake tables has enormously increased in the last years thanks to the aforementioned advantages [9]. Particularly, linear BLDC motors with high force densities come forward by having the qualities to meet the requirements of earthquake simulators. ...
A second task required the students to discuss the trueness of a statement using the information provided in another pictogram, but did not include the translation from the graph to a table. The author found 61% correct responses by the 6th graders and 64% by the 7th graders. Regarding the...