Tableau工作区主要包括哪些内容?A、工作表(work sheet)B、仪表板(dashboard)C、故事(story)D、工作簿(workbook)搜索 题目 Tableau工作区主要包括哪些内容? A、工作表(work sheet) B、仪表板(dashboard) C、故事(story) D、工作簿(workbook) 答案 解析...
2022年,Tableau相继推出了性能优化器(Workbook Optimizers)、数据故事(Data Stories)、数据指南(Data Guide)、表扩展(Table Extensions)、动态对象可见性(Dynamic Zone Visibility)以及图像角色(Image role),都似乎掀不起太多波澜,剩下的都是各种功能的improvements改进。 一个成熟产品的成长期。 2023年·前进吧 2023年...
Create and publish new workbook with a new data source Create and share content by connecting to a new data source, including raw data. You're not restricted to existing, published data sources. Create and publish new data sources Create new workbooks based on pre-built Dashboard Starters ...
下载链接: 这是史蒂夫做的单位直方图: 删除分步带(distribution bands)并添加箱形图 下载并打开Steve的Tableau workbook后,右键单击主仪表板选项卡“Salary Comparison Jitterplot Dashboard(2)”并选择“Unhide All Sheets”。 转到名...
For other performance tips, see Optimize Workbook Performance. Range: The dashboard scales between the minimum and maximum sizes that you specify. If the window used to display the dashboard is smaller than the minimum size, scroll bars are displayed. If it's larger than the maximum size, ...
Contains worksheets, including dashboards or stories that contain a worksheet, that use at least one field in the data source. When metadata is blocked because of limited permissions, or the asset is in a Personal Space, Catalog still counts the workbook. But instead of seeing some of the ...
Tableau依分析檔案workbook控管、單一workbook可依不同view分配權限。 FineReport除單一報表檔權外,可依SQL依用戶權限各別過濾資料,在展現結果可依單一儲存格配置。也就是說可以做到同一張報表,甲可以看到儲存格A1的內容,乙沒有權限看到。 11、行動端的整合 ...
下载并打开Steve的Tableau workbook后,右键单击主仪表板选项卡“Salary Comparison Jitterplot Dashboard(2)”并选择“Unhide All Sheets”。 转到名为Breakout with Quartiles的工作表。单击分布带中的线并将其拖离Tableau Canvas。另一种方法...
By using Tableau users can deploy interactive models, use a variety of formats, and for analysts who work on multiple projects at the same time, they can effectively transfer all the elements used in one workbook to another with an informative, advanced but simple-to-use Dashboard. Data ...
Filter data assets by warnings When creating a new workbook, filter the data assets by those with or without the presence of a data quality warning. Be informed about the status of the data you're connecting to. Dashboards in lineage With the lineage tool, see all the data assets up- ...