一些命令列選項允許您使用自動指令碼執行常見的 Tableau Server 授權任務。 如果要使用自動指令碼執行這些 Tableau Desktop 授權任務,請參閱《桌面部署指南》中的部署Tableau Desktop(連結在新視窗開啟)。 命令列工具選項和更好的指令碼自動化 您可以使用名為 tabinstallck.exe 的實用程式對伺服器產品金鑰的啟動、重新...
When the server is unlicensed you may not be able to start or administer the server. You can, however, manage your licenses using the tsm licenses command. Unlicensed server administrator All Tableau Server administrators require a user license. Tableau Server administrators will always consume the...
Get to know Tableau Next, the agentic analytics platform that turns data into actionable insights wherever you work. Tableau Cloud How to Improve Data Readiness for Tableau Cloud Francis Dejonckheere2025/01/11 Learn a four-step framework and download the Accelerator to improve data source readiness...
指定一个用户名,用于向使用验证的MongoDB数据库进行身份验证。与–password和 –authenticationDatabase选项一起使用。 –password , -p 指定一个用来验证使用验证的MongoDB数据库的密码。与–username和 –authenticationDatabase选项一起使用。 –authenticationDatabase mongodrdl --host --db dbUser...
Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Tableau\ReportingServer Name: add a string value named . scheduleReportInterval Data: The amount of time, in seconds, between reports sent by Tableau Desktop to the server. By default this is 8 hours and if there is no entry the default is used. Increase ...
对于新用户,默认值为Unlicensed,对于现有用户,默认值不变。如果有基于用户的服务器安装,并且在createsiteusers命令创建新用户的情况下您已达到用户许可证数的限制,则会以未许可用户的形式添加该用户。 注意:在多站点 Tableau Server 上,如果要使用--role选项分配ServerAdministrator站点角色,请使用createusers命令,而不是...
Get to know Tableau Next, the agentic analytics platform that turns data into actionable insights wherever you work. Tableau Cloud How to Improve Data Readiness for Tableau Cloud Francis Dejonckheere2025/01/11 Learn a four-step framework and download the Accelerator to improve data source readiness...
Tableau Server ver. 2023.1.3 (20231.23.0613.1501) 64-bit Windows Intersystems IRIS for UNIX ver. 2024.1.2 JDBC driver ver. I am connecting with the same driver from my local desktop using Tableau Prep, and it works well. Data download, mixing, and output work fine both local...
Viewer (can publish). The user can connect toTableau Serverfrom Tableau Desktop to publish and download workbooks and data sources, but cannot interact with content on the server. Unlicensed (can publish). The user can connect toTableau ServerTableau Desktop to publish workbooks to the server, ...
--More info: https://help.tableau.com/current/online/en-us/grant_role.htm--><Username="xxxxxPERSON+3xxxxxx@xxxxDOMAINxxxx.com"role="Unlicensed"allowPromotedRole="True"auth="serverDefault"/> </SiteMembership><!--A list of all the groups who's member members we want to audit--><Groups...