我们将创建两条参考线,每条线对应一个轴。 右键单击Profit Ratio轴 (y),然后选择Add Reference Line。 将参考线值设置为Profit Ratio参数。 保留其他字段的默认值,然后单击OK。 右键单击Avg Discount轴 (x) 并选择Add Reference Line。 将参考线值设置为Avg Discount参数。 保留其他字段的默认值,然后单击OK。 htt...
注意看TOP N 和 BOTTOM N 是根据什么的,我遇到的是TOP N SALES & BOT N PROFIT,别看错了。我没遇到过用set写calculated field的情况,不过不代表没有。 JOIN 的应用,理论题没考到过,实操题遇到过几个,无非是看某个客人在某年退货占比之类的。 DATA BLENDING: 考到了我一个"common blending issuesbetween ...
46. Dashboard, 让你把一个时间的filter apply to all worksheet using this data source, 然后让你看某一年的technology在一月的sales. 47. HR report数据, 问某个地区某年的total hire, 就是把创建一个calculated field= [partime hire]+[fulltime hire] 48. Global super store: 问south aisa 2011和2013...
A parameter is a workbook variable such as a number, date, or string that can replace a constant value in a calculation, filter, or reference line. For example, you may create a calculated field that returns True if Sales is greater than $500,000 and otherwise returns False. You can rep...
You can do this in different ways, such as referencing the parameter in a calculated field or reference line that is used in the viz. You can also build a view that uses a source field that is referred to in the parameter action. General steps for creating parameter actions Create one ...
You can add "Dummy" as calculated field with numeric 1. Then put this fields in column with "Minimum" as Measure. Then copy twice for three measures. Now we have three Bar Graphs. On first Bar Graph put "Sales" filed on Label and "KPI (Sales)" on Color. ...
Using Table Calcs, Calculated Fields, and Reference Lines, you may have tried to bin aggregate fields. For example, finding the average of a distinct count of customers. Using Data Blending, you may have tried to achieve relative date filtering relative to the maxim...
1.4.1. Change default field properties (types, sorting, etc.) 1.4.2. Rename columns 1.4.3. Choose when to convert between discrete and continuous 1.4.4. Choose when to convert between dimension and measure 1.4.5. Create aliases Domain 2: Explore and Analyze Data 2.1. Create calculated fiel...
只应用在一个worksheet上: 把field拖入viz 后右键改变format split & custom split splited field is calculated field cannot join on splited field/calculated field, butcan blend on splited&calculation field. ●Blending 连接不同的datasource 这样可以把不同数据源的数据在一个viz中展示,适用于数据结构或数据...
How to display a reference line for the current date If you would like to take your timeline a step further by dynamically displaying the current date, start by setting up a calculated field to isolate “today”. The formula is TODAY(). ...