其中,“Percentage of Total”是一个Tableau内置的计算字段,用于计算每个标签所占的百分比。 “Your Field”是你选择的数据字段。 点击“确定”关闭对话框。 现在,你将只看到饼图中占比大于等于5%的标签,其他标签将被隐藏。 如果需要显示隐藏的标签,可以调整饼图的大小或缩放级别。
Line charts provide an easy overview of the patterns and trends found in multiple sets of data, as well as the effect they have on each other.Great examples of Pie Charts This pie chart shows the percentage of total sales per regional market. No more than five slices were used. The ...
10. Finally, drag Sales onto Labels – > Quick Table Calculation – > Percentage of Total, to get our desired bump chart. 最后,将Sales拖到Labels - >Quick Table Calculation - >Percentage of Total,然后便获得了我们想要的凹凸图表。 大功告成! 高级图表之 Donut Chart 甜甜圈图(圆环图) 甜甜圈图...
If you hover over the pie chart slices, you will see the tooltip has the segment name and the profit in total number. We will edit this tooltip later, but for now, let’s turn this number into a percentage. We can do so by: Right-clicking on the Profit field in the Angle card. ...
Finally, drag Sales onto Labels – > Quick Table Calculation – > Percentage of Total, to get our desired bump chart. 1.3 Donut Chart A donut chart is yet another representation of an elementary chart. To put it candidly, its a pie chart with a hole in the middle, but it helps put ...
The trick to building this type is to understand how table calculations can be used to express the axis values as percentage of the total value. The steps are required to build this chart are given below: 1. Drag the product name dimension to the columns shelf. ...
Rank Unique (1, 2, 3, 4) By Table Calculation Using Table Calculation-> Percentage of total -> Table (down) and Table (Across) Q163) User is a part of South region, he need to see only south data? How to implement? Create calculated field à Use function “USERNAME ()” Filter...
Introduction to Pie Chart in Tableau The pie chart is an interactive way of visualizing data. Represented in a circular form, the chart is helpful when there is a need to determine the shares or contributions of various categories. The shares are essentially percentage shares in total contribution...
Like Carly Capitula said, the stacked area chart is a combination between a line graph and a stacked bar chart. It shows relative proportions of totals or percentage relationships. By stacking the volume beneath the line, the chart shows the total of the fields as well as their relative size...
We will edit this later, but for now, let’s turn this number into a percentage. We can do so by: Right-clicking on the Worldwide Gross field in the Angle card. Go to Quick Table Calculation. Choose Percent of Total. Showing percentages in a pie chart tooltip. GIF by Author. ...