图2:sum sales改为table calculation:percent of total。选择 table down。 计算百分比,每组内部只是Customer Acquisiton Date不同。 image-20210315153151013.png 3. 每日利润KPI Daily Profit KPI 表1:每天的profit ;列Sum profit,行 Order Date 表2:字段Profit per day。LOD 计算每日Profit Profit per Day :{ ...
LOD calculations give you even more control on the level of granularity you want to compute. They can be performed at a more granular level (INCLUDE), a less granular level (EXCLUDE), or an entirely independent level (FIXED) with respect to the granularity of the visualization. Table calculat...
Tableau比较重要的知识点是table calculation,了解cell/pane/table,across/down (Transform Values with Table Calculations);LOD,level of detail (Level of Detail Expressions);ATTR,Dashboard action, Join/blend,Map,Parameter/Set/Group etc. 欢迎大家讨论,以下是各种链接。 1.Tableau Public 免费 public.tableau....
If a table calculation is performing badly, see if it can be expressed via a LOD expression, and vice versa. Related topics and resources Create Efficient Calculations(Link opens in a new window) Designing Efficient Workbooks(Link opens in a new window) Other Suggestions Publishing to Tableau Se...
Level of Detail (LOD) expressions Table calculations Basic expressions Basic expressions allow you to transform values or members at the data source level of detail (a row-level calculation) or at the visualization level of detail (an aggregate calculation). For example, consider the following sa...
表计算(table calculation),Tableau计算体系中最重要的两个功能之一,在V2.0版本中有了雏形,虽然先以14种“快速表计算”(quick table calculations)的方式出现,但已经完成合计百分比、同环比等常见的分析。表计算真正发展成熟,要等待4年之后的V6.0版本(2010年10月),它可以与SQL窗口函数对应,但在控制上完全是图形式的...
除此之外,DAX中还有常用的ADDCOLUMNS、VALUES、DISTINCT,以及不太常用的ROW、ASSMISSINGITEMS等函数。这些“数据表计算”(table calculation)是SQL中没有的,而是从分析的视角出发重建的庞大体系。 表函数之外是字段函数,虽然每个人都会快速“学会”SUMX,但是只有在理解何为“迭代”(iteration)之后,你才能真正驾驭它,这个...
IF statements are an essential component of Tableau’s powerful calculation language. They allow you to control logic flows and make decisions based on specific criteria and conditions. With IF/THEN/ELSE logic, you can fine-tune complex calculated fields, table calculations, and parameters to adapt...
LOD Expression Table Calculation Preferred Choice The Calculation is converted to a sub-query to be processed by the underlying database and most of the databases are capable for handling such queries efficiently. All the values in the View are computed by the underlying database The Calculation ...
● Explain different types of LOD expressions LOD 表达式中不能使用table calculation 和ATTR table scope: {sum([sales]} or {fixed: sum(sales)} --- 是对全部数据(table scope)的聚合. Level of detail 越高越聚合. ● Fixed 如果打算只使用FIXED建立LOD, 在FIXED后添加所需要的field以外, 把剩下在vi...