CAP_SELECT_TOP_INTO 如果Tableau 在从查询结果集创建表时可以使用 TOP 或 LIMIT 行限制子句,则设置为“yes”。 CAP_STORED_PROCEDURE_PREFER_TEMP_TABLE 设置为“yes”以使用临时表来支持存储过程结果集上的远程查询。 CAP_STORED_PROCEDURE_REPAIR_TEMP_TABLE_STRINGS 设置为“yes”以在元数据指明无宽度或非正宽...
雖然 Tableau 通常在此類中繼資料查詢中包括列限制子句(例如 [LIMIT] 或 [WHERE 1=0] ),但在用於查詢最佳化工具效能較差的資料庫系統的自訂 SQL 連線時,這可能沒有多大用處。請注意,此功能可能會阻止 Tableau 正確確定連線中繼資料。 CAP_ODBC_METADATA_SUPPRESS_PREPARED_QUERY 設定為 [yes] 以阻止 Tableau ...
A good strategy can be to limit the initial dashboard to summary information and only provide more details when the user requests them. There are many strategies for this sort of guided drill-down, including: Use action filters. See Filter Actions for more information. Hide detailed views in ...
绝大多数商品只销售了一次。 # 统计购买量top10的商品selectitem_category,count(user_id)'购买人数'fromdatawherebehavior_type=4groupbyitem_categoryorderby购买人数desclimit10; # 统计点击量top10的商品selectitem_category,count(user_id)'点击人数'fromdatawherebehavior_type=1groupbyitem_categoryorderby点击人数...
LIMIT 5000000 ) 3.2.2 列名重命名 列名重命名直接在Navicat中修改 为了区分后续重复值,直接在Navicat添加需序列ID 3.2.3 重复值处理 以USER、ITEM、CATEGORY、BEHAVIOR、TIMESTAMP三个字段设为联合主键,查看这个5个字段同时重复的记录,结果显示5行数据重复: ...
Filter early: Apply filters as early as possible in your flow to reduce the volume of data processed in subsequent steps. Limit initial rows: When exploring and building your flow, limit the number of rows initially loaded to speed up performance. You can adjust this in the input step settin...
2. Limit number of Filters - Excessive filters on a view will create a more complex query, which takes longer to return results. Double-check your filters and remove any that aren’t necessary. - Use include filters. Exclude filters load the entire domain of a dimension, while include filte...
This has been fixed, and the upper limit for segment file count has been extended to 8,887. [TBL-2706] • Destination drive read/write errors that occur when accessing an unlocked Tableau encrypted drive may result in non-recoverable failures of the associated TD2u job/operation. [TBL-...
With Tableau, Mappy has improved the way it visualizes data. "We’ve saved a lot of time. Since changing system, moving to a Hadoop platform which allowed us to prepare the data and Tableau on Dataviz on top of that, my business team is completely independent.” ...
0" "-x" "log_file_backup_size_limit=1m" "--database=C:\Users\NITISH~1.KUL\AppData\Local\Temp\TableauTemp\0rcb6us07lq5bv0ztfkar0m8ylw9\hyper_db" "--init=overwrite" "--init-user=tableau_internal_user" "--log-dir=C:\Users\nitish.kulkarni\Doc...