Export the current visualization. This sample show how you can export the visualization in different formats: as a PDF file, as an image file, as a CSV file, as an Excel file, or as a PowerPoint file. You can also open the Download dialog box to let the user choose. ...
function exportToPDF(){ viz.showExportPDFDialog(); } Export 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 9.用户筛选器控制视图权限 通过用户筛选器可实现不同用户在同一个视图中看到的数据范围不同...
Export to PDF var viz; function initViz() { var containerDiv = document.getElementById("vizContainer"), url = "http://public.tableau.com/views/RegionalSampleWorkbook/Obesity", options = { hideTabs: true }; viz = new tableau.Viz(containerDiv, url, options); // Create a viz object...
If you're performing an export to PDF of a dashboard that includes a web page object, the web page object won't be included in the PDF. Non-ASCII and non-standard ASCII characters and PDF exports: If you're exporting a view or workbook with a name that includes a character outside ...
我目前正在使用tableaujavascript api导出一个图表到pdf,使用tableaujavascript api提供的exportPDFDialog()函数很容易,但问题是其中一个图表有一个垂直滚动条来向下滚动图表下面的数据表,滚动条也进入了pdf而不是整个图表,所以最终在pdf中显示的图表有一个滚动条和整个图表的部分数据,所以我想知道是否有任何解决办法。
tabcmd export "TEST111/MASTER_03U" --csv -f "C:\Users\ze0CNSHJPTAB01\Desktop\AAA\west.csv" 你要显示的网页如下,但截取的网址要如上 http://tableau.erpom.cn/#/site/heyue/views/TEST111/MASTER_03U?:iid=2 如果前后指定的文件类型要相同,如果前面是pdf,后面是其它的,就可能是乱码。
Vous pouvez modifier et réorganiser les épingles sur un tableau de bord. Leurs positions sont maintenues. Dupliquez et supprimez le tableau de bord. Exportez les informations sur le tableau de bord sous la forme d'un rapport PDF.
Only available on Tableau Cloud PrepareCreatorExplorerViewerReader PrepareCreate new data flows (.tfl) Combine, shape and clean data, and save the process as a data flow. Edit and modify a data flow (.tfl) Export data (.tde, .hyper or .csv) ...
Power BI desktop supports exporting to a workbook or PDF. You can also export the report to a workbook, PPT, PDF, Sharepoint, Excel, or CSV from web browsers. But you cannot export the files in an encrypted way. As for printing, Power BI Desktop does not support it. Power BI service...
吴建丰: functionExportToExel(){vargrid=$find("");varrows=grid.get_rows();varn=rows.get_length();//总行数if(n>0){//$("#ExcelIframe").attr("src","../ExportToExcelData.aspx?ExcelFrom=MachineFeedQuery");location.href="MachineFeedQuery.aspx?ExcelFrom=MachineFeedQuer... kiss mayue邀...