Hadley Wickham 於 2014 年在《Journal of Statistical Software》發布了一篇名為《Tidy Data》的文章(2014 年 8 月,第 59 冊第 10 刊)。這篇文章非常詳細配置了適用於分析之結構良好的資料框架。您可以在這裡(Hadley Wickham 的學術檔案)(連結在新視窗開啟)或這裡(由 r-project.org 託管)(連結在新視窗開啟)...
选择「project_province」或「经度」「纬度」,在「智能显示」中选择「地图」或「符号地图」,软件就自动帮你按照省份在中国地图上可视化啦。 符号地图出来的结果是这样的,为了区分度和好看,我将「project_province」拖入了「颜色」中,将地图上的点按照颜色的不同来区分省份的不同。 而点的大小代表了地区数量的多少,...
2013年5月Tableau公司在纽交所IPO上市,股票代码DATA; 2018年6月,Tableau公司收购Empirical Systems,这是一家来自麻省理工学院概率计算实验室(Probabilistic Computing Project)的人工智能初创公司,其自动化统计分析技术可被集成到 Tableau 平台; 2019年6月,Tableau公司被全球SaaS行业巨头、美国客户关系管理(CRM)软件服务商S...
2013年5月Tableau公司在纽交所IPO上市,股票代码DATA; 2018年6月,Tableau公司收购Empirical Systems,这是一家来自麻省理工学院概率计算实验室(Probabilistic Computing Project)的人工智能初创公司,其自动化统计分析技术可被集成到 Tableau 平台; 2019年6月,Tableau公司被全球SaaS行业巨头、美国客户关系管理(CRM)软件服务商S...
After version: The goal of the project is,with in two months,analysis achieved click-stream datato determine the website changes that will most efficientlyincrease revenuesby15% compared to the same month last year. Final steps Make sure your first draft of the SMART goals to your stakeholders...
virajbhutada/Bank-Loan-Analysis-SQL-PowerBI-Excel-Tableau Star11 This repository contains all the necessary files and documentation for a detailed analysis of bank loan data using a combination of SQL, Power BI, Excel, and Tableau. The project aims to uncover insights related to loan applications...
In this project, you will: Prepare a data model ready for analysis Create calculated fields to dive deeper into inventory management Build an interactive dashboard Here is an example of a page you might create whilst taking this intermediate Tableau project. eCommerce Analysis In this eCommerce ...
Hadley Wickham 于 2014 年在《Journal of Statistical Softwar》上发表了一篇文章,名为《Tidy Data》(整洁数据,2014 年 8 月,第 59 卷,第 10 期)。本文出色地为数据设计了一个结构良好的分析框架。这篇文章可在此处(Hadley Wickham 的学术组合)(链接在新窗口中打开)或此处(由 r-project.org 托管)(链接在...
Departments across organizations worldwide are empowering their people with data. Learn how departments are driving business forward with Tableau. Learn more Technology integrations Organizations are finding opportunities to integrate Tableau with their existing technologies to drive business forward. ...
Visualis is a BI tool for data visualization. It provides financial-grade data visualization capabilities on the basis of data security and permissions, based on the open source project Davinci contributed by CreditEase. visualizationsparksupersettableaudatasourcedavincilinkisscriptisdataspherestudioappjoint ...