You can also type text directly into the box, so you could create a value such as <Field Name> = <Value>. Select how you want the tooltip to appear. None –select this option to not show a tooltip for the reference line. Automatic –select this option to show the default tooltip ...
我们将创建两条参考线,每条线对应一个轴。 右键单击Profit Ratio轴 (y),然后选择Add Reference Line。 将参考线值设置为Profit Ratio参数。 保留其他字段的默认值,然后单击OK。 右键单击Avg Discount轴 (x) 并选择Add Reference Line。 将参考线值设置为Avg Discount参数。 保留其他字段的默认值,然后单击OK。 htt...
2.1.2 Create a line chart 2.1.3 Create a scatterplot散点图 2.1.4 Create a map using geographic data 地图 2.1.5 Create a combined axis chart (好好学,考完证也经常用的到) 2.1.6 Create a dual axis chart 2.1.7 Create a stacked bar 2.1.8 Create a density map 2.1.9 Create a chart ...
48. Global super store: 问south aisa 2011和2013年间max discount 的absolute difference 49. Global super store, 画一个profit和sales 的view, add sub category to detail. 问哪个sub category正好在median profit上但是lower than median sales --在analytic pane搞个reference line就好了. 50. Global super ...
62-create-a-highlight-table-1080 03:02 63-display-a-viz-in-a-tooltip-1080 04:10 64-annotate-a-visualization-1080 02:09 65-format-chart-elements-1080 06:26 66-change-the-order-of-colors-in-a-visualization-1080 03:24 67-add-a-trend-line-to-a-chart-1080 03:46 68-add-reference-lin...
A parameter is a workbook variable such as a number, date, or string that can replace a constant value in a calculation, filter, or reference line. For example, you may create a calculated field that returns True if Sales is greater than $500,000 and otherwise returns False. You can rep...
--是bar chart有了reference line的版本,主要用于看指标是否达到了target. •Combined axis charts --两个指标同时比较,公用一个坐标轴. 两个指标各有一套mark card 可以改颜色大小和类型, 同时也有一个总mark card. •Dual axis charts •Scatter plots ...
This tutorial shares how to make a timeline in Tableau and how to add an optional reference line to display the current day.
In Tableau, confidence intervals are really straightforward. You can plot your data points, go to the analytics pane, and bring in an “average with 95% CI” reference line, which creates a reference band around the average: Nice. This is exactly how I’d like to visualise my experimental...
💙 Please share your product ideas for Tableau Prep in the Idea Exchange If you haven't already created a Trailblazer ID, please do so using the same email used for your Tableau Forums account. To create a new idea, go to and use the Tableau Prep...