Type conversion functions available in Tableau DATE Syntax DATE(expression) Output Date Definition Returns a date, given a number, string or date expression. Example DATE([Employee Start Date]) DATE("September 22, 2018") DATE("9/22/2018") DATE(#2018-09-22 14:52#) Notes Unlike DATEPARSE...
Table de conversion des unités DGN V7 Etiquette DGN Nom Etiquette DGN Nom km Kilomètres mi Miles m Mètres yd Yard dc Décimètres ft Pieds cm Centimètres in Pouces mm Millimètres tn 1/10 de pied um Microns ti 1/10 de pouce ui Micro-pouces ‘ Pieds “ Pouces ‘ ...
Type conversion functions allow you to convert fields from one data type to another (this is called "casting"). For example, if you have date information in a field with a string data type, you won't be able to use that field in date calculations unless the field is cast (changed) to...