The styling is quite modern, but has a good bar-bistro feel. Service was casual, friendly, informative and attentive. We all shared a plate of 2 meats and 2 cheeses (Charcuterie et Fromage). The smoked ham, salami, Brie and Gruyere were all excellent. The house bread ...
Tableau Bar Bistro25 条评价 人均: 305 元 口味: 8.6 环境: 9.0 服务: 9.0 地址: 1181 Melville Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6E 0A3, Canada (Downtown)(Bute) 电话: +1-604-63986** 更多信息 写评价 网友评价(25) 全部 图片(22) 好评(21) 中评(4) 差评(0) 罗杰猫猫 周末去Down...
Tableau Bar Bistro点评(26 条) 人均¥305 融合了北美风味的法式料理,环境宽敞舒适。 推荐菜 Steak Tartare Pork & Veal Rgout Gnocchi A La Romaine Duck Breast A L'Orange Moules Frites Baked Escargots 电话:+1-604-6398692 简介: 这家餐厅位于市中心相对安静的街道上,拥有挑高的设计和略带复古的装潢...
French bistro meets local cool – Tableau Bar Bistro, the award winning neighbourhood Bistro is located in the heart of Coal Harbour
若換了是我,則來個一動不如一靜,反正這打著 ‘fresh local meets bistro cool’ 的旗號,以法式風味菜單融合了巴黎經典美食和西海岸新鮮食材的Tableau Bar Bistro,有曾在米其林星級餐廳工作的女主廚Catherine Stewart坐鎮,要吃香喝好定可滿足。 別看主廚年紀輕輕的,其實已有相當深厚跑南闖北累積下來的廚藝經歷,從溫...
Reviews(1,847) 323-327of1,847reviews aceswildtru Lima, Ohio 7934 Reviewed March 3, 2019 nice place for a cocktail! Was in here for a cocktail, perhaps a craft beer. Our bartender suggested we visit Avenue for their awesome bourbon selection when I started to chat him up, so good on...