百度试题 题目Tableau中求取不重复计数使用的函数是DISTINCTCOUNT( ) A.正确B.错误相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 B 反馈 收藏
Average(平均值) Median(中值) Count(計數) Distinct count(非重複計數) Minimum(最小值) Maximum(最大值) 分組 分組片語包括詞語「by」(按),例如,「by Region」(按地區)和「by Sales」(按銷售額)。 此運算式等於在製作標準 Tableau 視覺效果時,將維度或未彙總的量值置於欄架或列架上。
Average orders per customer We can use the Unique Customers measure alongside a new measure that calculates the average number of orders per customer. We do this by creating a new Calculated Field with the following formula, which we call Avg Orders per Customer: COUNT([Order ID])/[Unique Cu...
Find the biggest deal each sales person has ever closed, then show the averages by manager? Tag every customer by the year he/she first became a customer, then use that tag to group sales? To address these types of questions, Tableau 9.0 introduces a new synt...
Average Returns the arithmetic mean of the numbers in a measure. Null values are ignored. 1 value (2) Count (Distinct) Returns the number of unique values in a measure or dimension. When applied to a dimension, Tableau creates a new temporary column that is a measure because the result of...
使用“数据问答”(Ask Data)时,示例聚合短语包括“Sum of Sales”(销售额总和)、“Average Profit”(平均利润)或“Count of Customers”(客户计数)。您也可以使用这些词的常见同义词,例如用“mean”表示平均值,或用“cnt”表示计数。 Sum(总和) Average(平均值) Median(中值) Count(计数) Distinct count(非重复...
Number of Customers = COUNTROWS ( FILTER ( VALUES ( SuperStore[Customer ID] ), CALCULATE ( DISTINCTCOUNT ( SuperStore[Order ID] ) ) = [purchase time] ) ) Power BI 报告 Tableau 报告 同期群分析 Cohort Analysis 合作时间越长的客户对销售额的贡献越大吗? 我们按照客户首次购买的年份将客户分组,以...
可以添加一个日期 x时间和一个持续时间来计算一个新的日期时间,它与线性时间轴上的距离正好是 的大小...