3.2.2 Add interactive elements for consumers (e.g. show filters, data highlighter, tooltips) 3.2.3 Add dashboard actions (★★★ e.g.filter action, highlight action,parameter control, URL action) 3.2.4 Configure a dashboard layout and create device-specificdashboards(Container的掌握: ★★★...
在新建的Dashboard中,把Sheet1,Sheet2,Sheet3拖放到编辑区域,并调整位置。可以通过拖动每一个视图的标题来调整位置,可以通过拖动视图的边缘来调整大小.,右键点击标题,选择HideTitile可以隐藏标题栏 联动效果的产生: 鼠标选中Sheet2,在”Worksheet”菜单的里选择”Actions…” 在Actions对话框中点击”Add Action”按钮,...
Drag the Data Story object into your Tableau dashboard. If you haven’t already, add a sheet to your dashboard to use Tableau Data Stories. In the Data Story dialog box, configure your story by first choosing the worksheet to write about. When you click Next, Tableau sends all associated...
2.3.1 Add a manual or a computed sort 2.3.2 Add a reference line 2.3.3 Use a quick table calculation 2.3.4 Use bins and histograms 2.3.5 Create a calculated field (e.g. string, date, simple arithmetic) 2.3.6 Explain when to use a parameter 2.3.7 Display totals on a worksheet Doma...
When you add worksheets to the dashboard, the title of the worksheet automatically shows, even if you turned off the title on the worksheet itself. To turn off the title for the worksheet on the dashboard, do the following steps: In the dashboard, select the worksheet to highlight it. ...
其次,新建一个dashboard里面添加这个sheet页,选中sheet页后,点击菜单栏的worksheet - Actions -Add action - Go to URL Name自定义(name会出现在提示文字里面,以超链接的方式),source sheet为当前的Dashboard选中其中的sheet页-Menu,URL中选择有URL链接的那个字段,注意:如果需要实现跳转,列表中必须包含有URL的那个字...
选择Worksheet>New Worksheet从顶部的菜单来打开新的工作表。 树状图使我们可以直接比较每个国家(按区域嵌套)的新生儿死亡人数。 拖动Country和Region到Columns和Neonatal deaths到Rows。然后打开Show Me并选择treemap选项。初始图表应如下所示: 现在,Region从将其拖到Label,Color以将其从中删除,Label然后按区域为矩形着色...
AddWorksheetToDashboard() 通过上述高级数据可视化和参数过滤器的使用,Tableau用户可以创建更加复杂和交互式的仪表 板,以满足不同业务场景下的数据分析需求。 数据可视化:数据可视化工具入门:数据可视化:数据可视化工具入门:Tableau 18.Tableau故事板与发布故事板与发布 ...
比如这里出现的错误是说dashboard没有定义 对应第一行代码 JavaScriptconst worksheet = tableau.extensions.dashboardContent.dashboard.worksheets.find(w => w.name === 'RadarData'); 遇到的错误继续问 ai 它会告诉你怎么改 修改完代码之后,重新添加一次扩展程序才能继续查看,每修改一次都需要进行这个操作 ...
Step 3 – Add to the Dashboard Now that we have the date in a new worksheet we can go to a dashboard and drag on the worksheet as we would any other field. In this case we added it to the bottom of the dashboard and are showing the sheet title as a description for the date....