Using Icons The whole original idea was to just use the Bootstrap icons - then Bootstrap 4 happened. Version 1 of RayGrid finally goes back to just specifying the Bootstrap 5 icon label such asarrow-bar-left. Thus, on any column use can add an array of interactive icons: ...
$('#table').bootstrapTable({ url:'/B_Product/GetProductData',//请求后台的URL(*)method: 'get',//请求方式(*)toolbar: '#toolbar',//工具按钮用哪个容器striped:true,//是否显示行间隔色cache:false,//是否使用缓存,默认为true,所以一般情况下需要设置一下这个属性(*)pagination:true,//是否显示分页...
/*bootstrap table*/$('#table').bootstrapTable({url:"/wadmin/permission/doRuleList",//请求数据urlqueryParams:function(params) {return{offset: params.offset,//页码limit: params.limit,//页面大小search :,//搜索order : params.order,//排序ordername : params.sort,//排序}; }, s...
使用文档: Gitee项目地址: BootstrapBlazor是一套基于 Bootstrap 和 Blazor 的企业级组件库,可以认为是 Bootstrap 项目的 Blazor 版实现。基于 Bootstrap 样式库精心打造,并且额外增加了 100 多种常用的组件,为您快速开发项目...
An extended table to integration with some of the most widely used CSS frameworks. (Supports Bootstrap, Semantic UI, Bulma, Material Design, Foundation, Vue.js) - wenzhixin/bootstrap-table
鉴于最近有人询问Bootstrap-Table的自定义条件查询如何实现,今天特在此说明。首先展示一下效果: 默认查询 条件查询 测试数据 前端代码 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>bootstrap-table条件查询</title> <!-- bootstrap --> ...
Bootstrap 5 (>=5.2) 2. Markup Add the classestableto the tables and wrap them intable-responsive, as usual when using Bootstrap. If the table has complex data and many columns you can give it the classtable-small-fontandtable-tighten(highly recommended). ...
209 - **New:** Used `bootstrap icons` as default icons for bootstrap v5. 210 - **New:** Added `regexSearch` option which allows to filter the table using regex. 211 - **New:** Added support for allow importing stylesheets. 212 - **New:** Added `toggle-pagination` event. ...
An extended table to the integration with some of the most widely used CSS frameworks. (Supports Bootstrap, Semantic UI, Bulma, Material Design, Foundation)
在使用bootstrap table时可能在很多时候回用的表格来显示数据,如果自己写那肯定没问题,但是数据展示出来就麻烦多了,然而bootstrap table 封装了一套完善的数据表格组件,把从后台请求的数据很容易就展示出来了,bootstrap table有两种实现方式,一种是通过table写定在html里面,另一种是通过js实现,js实现比较灵活,所以这里...