Oracle Table Variable 1. Select as table select * from table(var_tab) 2. Convert column to table and join parent table select b.* from aud_item a join table(a.log) b on 1=1 where rownum<10 log column: table of following type --- create or replace type "my_table_type" AS VARRA...
在PL/SQL中,数组数据类型是VARRAY(variable array,即可变数组)。 定义VARRAY数据类型的语法如下: TYPE VARRAY_NAMEIS VARRAY(SIZE) OF ELEMENT_TYPE [NOT NULL]; 其中,varray_name是VARRAY数据类型的名称,size是正整数,表示可以容纳的成员的最大数量,每个成员的数据类型是element_typeo默认时,成员可以取空值,否则需...
oracle.jbo.script.debug Annotation Type VariableTable Deprecated. @Retention(value=RUNTIME) @Target(value=METHOD) public @interfaceVariableTable *** For internal framework use only *** For internal use only. Application developers should not use this ...
在PL/SQL中,数组数据类型是VARRAY(variable array,即可变数组)。 定义VARRAY数据类型的语法如下: TYPE VARRAY_NAMEIS VARRAY(SIZE) OF ELEMENT_TYPE [NOT NULL]; 其中,varray_name是VARRAY数据类型的名称,size是正整数,表示可以容纳的成员的最大数量,每个成员的数据类型是element_typeo默认时,成员可以取空值,否则需...
TypeConversionSettings UntilActivity UpdateIntegrationRuntimeNodeRequest UpdateIntegrationRuntimeRequest UserAccessPolicy UserProperty ValidationActivity VariableSpecification VariableType VerticaLinkedService VerticaSource VerticaTableDataset WaitActivity WarehouseLinkedService WarehouseSink WarehouseSource WarehouseTableDataset...
By default if sorting is enabled JTable will persist the selection and variable row heights in terms of the model on sorting. For example if row 0, in terms of the underlying model, is currently selected, after the sort row 0, in terms of the underlying model will be selected. Visually...
public String type() Get the type property: Type of dataset. Overrides: MicrosoftAccessTableDataset.type() Returns: the type value.validate public void validate() Validates the instance. Overrides: MicrosoftAccessTableDataset.validate() withAnnotations public MicrosoftAccessTableDataset withAnnotati...
“Unable to enlist in the transaction” with Oracle linked server from MS SQL Server [<Name of Missing Index, sysname,>] in non clustered index [Execute SQL Task] Error: The value type (__ComObject) can only be converted to variables of type Object. [ODBC Driver Manager] Data source nam...
(cur CURSOR.refcur_t) RETURN sum_sales_country_t_tab IS YEAR VARCHAR (4); country CHAR (2); sum_amount_sold NUMBER; objset sum_sales_country_t_tab := sum_sales_country_t_tab (); i NUMBER := 0; BEGIN LOOP -- Fetch from cursor variable FETCH cur INTO YEAR, country, sum_...
虽然TYPE仍然在MySQL 5.1中被支持,现在ENGINE是首选的术语。 如果你省略掉ENGINE或TYPE选项,默认的存储引擎被使用。一般的默认是MyISAM,但你可以用--default-storage-engine或--default-table-type服务器启动选项来改变它,或者通过设置storage_engine或table_type系统变量来改变。