将包含表格数据的数据库或Excel文件导入到ArcMap或ArcGIS Pro中。 3.选择数据进行转换: 在软件中选择要转换为Shapefile的表格数据。 4.使用工具转换: 在ArcGIS中,有几个工具可以用于将表格数据转换为Shapefile,其中一个常用的工具是"Table to Table"或"Table to Excel"。 在ArcMap中,可以通过选择"ArcToolbox"来找...
= "C:/data/DelayTurns.dbf" refLineFeatures = "Streets" outTurnFeatureClassName = "DelayTurns" maxEdges = 7 #Convert the ArcView 3.x Turn table to geodatabase turn feature class #The streets shapefile referred by the turn features has been converted to a #feature class in the geodataba...
arcpy.locref.ConvertTableToCsvFile(in_table, out_csv_file, {in_delimiter}) ParameterExplanationData Type in_table A geodatabase table, feature class, shapefile, .dbf file, or table view to convert. Table View out_csv_file Location and file name of the output CSV file. ...
Layers can reference many data types such as feature classes, CAD, CAD drawing, shapefile, TIN, raster datasets, and raster bands. Layers are used to add support for symbology and selections to the data on disk. ToolDescription Apply Symbology From Layer Applies the symbology fr...
有关详细信息,请参阅从ArcMap 迁移至 ArcGIS Pro。遵照此过程中的步骤将新记录添加到不含相关地理要素的表中。如果要向 shapefile 或地理数据库要素类中添加要素,可使用编辑器 工具条上的创建新要素任务。 注: 不受数据库表支持。 单击编辑器 工具条上的编辑器菜单,然后单击开始编辑。 右键单击内容列表中的表...
Subscribe to RSS Feed Permalink Print Report Inappropriate Content I previously work for an Emergency 911 center and I used an ET GeoWizards tool called "Export Nodes" under the polyline tools. This tool extracted intersecting nodes into shapefile and populated the attri...
The field names will be validated by specifying an input workspace. Thus, if the input is a geodatabase feature class, and the output workspace is a folder, the field names may be truncated, since shapefile attributes can only have names of ten characters or less.The new names may be rev...
Navigate to the polygon grid you want to use. You can choose any geodatabase feature class or shapefile.Click Add. The Grid tab appears.Click the Unique ID Field drop-down arrow and choose a field to use when populating the QC_Grid field in the Reviewer table. ...
这些格式需要使用输入和输出转换函数将空间数据插入数据库以及从数据库检索空间数据。系统提供一些函数,用于将数据从这些外部格式转换为 Oracle、PostgreSQL 或 SQLite 数据库中存储的数据类型。对于 PostgreSQL,还提供了转换 Esri shapefile 格式的函数。 在下面的示例中,一些记录被插入到 Oracle、PostgreS...
En este tema se recorre el proceso de migrar una tabla de giros de un espacio de trabajo de shapefile a una clase de entidad de giro en el mismo espacio de trabajo. Estos pasos se pueden ejecutar en ArcMap o ArcCatalog.En la barra de menú, haga clic en ...