Export html table to PDF and preserve the tables look 我有下表: var currencySymbol = '£' var total = 0.0; $('table tbody tr:gt(0) td:nth-child(4)').each(function() { total += parseFloat($(this).html().replace(currencySymbol, '')); }); total += currencySymbol; var $new...
...PDF.js是一款使用HTML5 Canvas安全地渲染PDF文件以及遵从网页标准的网页浏览器渲染PDF文件的JavaScript库。...我们可以通过PDF.js库将导出的PDF通过Canvas在网页上渲染出来,然后通过Canvas的toDataURL方法返回一个包含图片展示的 data URL。...总结,整体实现思路如下: 添加导出图片按钮 实现导出PDF 将 PDF 通过 ...
bashnpm install jspdf html2canvas 1.在Vue组件中实现转换功能:在你的Vue组件中,你可以编写一个方法来处理转换。 javascript<template> <div> <tableid="my-table"> <!-- 你的表格内容 --> </table> <button@click="convertToPDF">转换为PDF</button> </div> </template> <script> importjsPDFfrom'...
<script type="text/javascript"> function generate() { var doc = new jsPDF('p', 'pt', 'letter'); var htmlstring = ''; var tempVarToCheckPageHeight = 0; var pageHeight = 0; pageHeight = doc.internal.pageSize.height; specialElementHandlers = { // element with id of ...
Unfortunately I am pretty new in Javascript. I have figured out that printHeader is the function i may have to modify, but it looks quite hard to play around with the code being not an expert in it. I would try but can you tell me by what time you could come with a fix for this...
可能是由于CSS样式未正确应用到PDF中。 表格内容过多,导致PDF页面溢出。 解决方法: 确保所有CSS样式都内联到HTML中,或者使用插件支持的CSS样式。 调整表格布局,确保内容适合单页PDF。 问题2:导出过程中出现浏览器兼容性问题 原因: 不同浏览器对JavaScript和PDF生成的支持程度不同。
<script type="text/javascript"> function exportExcel() { var sHtml = htmlEncode($("#mystamp")[0].outerHTML);//做html编码 $("input[name='hHtml']").val(sHtml); //表单提交 $("form[name='myForm']").submit(); } function htmlEncode(value) { //create a in-memory div, set it...
jquery Plugin(jquery插件添加)<script type="text/javascript" src="tableExport.js"><script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.base64.js">PNG Export(导出png需要添加插件)<script type="text/javascript" src="html2canvas.js"> 4.PDF Export(导出PDF需要添加插件)<script type="text/javascript" src=...
使用tableExport导出这个表格为CSV格式,你可以添加如下JavaScript代码: $('#myTable').tableExport({headers:true,csvSeparator:',',csvFileName:'myTable.csv'}); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 导出格式 tableExport支持多种导出格式,包括: Excel(.xlsx) CSV ...
pdfmake (javascript)I much prefer the coding style of jspdf over pdfmake, however the tables features of pdfmake are great.Included jsPDF table pluginNo up to date documentation of how to use it (?) and has bugs. You might find it useful however....