Find local Table Tennis Clubs in different cities of the world. Read here about finding contact details, hours of operation and other necessary information about the clubs.
You Are Here:Home»Table Tennis Clubs»Find a club in the United States of America United States Table Tennis Association ↓All pages in this section↓ The US Table Tennis Association has over 8000 members. Want to join them? Find all you need right here... ...
Keep up to date with all the top table tennis events. Here's a list of events in 2016 which counted for World Ranking points.
following a Boys' Doubles triumph for An Jaehyun and Cho Seungmin over the top seeds from Japan Tomokazu Harimoto and Tonin Ryuzaki (7-11, 11-8, 11-4, 11-3, 11-4) on Wednesday 7th December in Cape Town, South Africa.
The resort offered yoga and spinning classes, tennis, and a workout facility. I intended to take advantage of all of these and brought the required clothing and equipment, but the lounge chairs were just too comfortable . . . and the books I brought were too tempting. I don’t usually ...
Dec 9 2012Dec 16 2012South AfricaCape TownWorld Junior Table Tennis Chamipionships ^Top of page^ Share this page:FacebookTwitter Share a link to this page. Click here... Click here for a large selection of table tennis equipment at Megaspin* ...