However, if you're a beginner, you only need to know a few of the basic rules of table tennis in order to play a game with your friends. Well, I've been playing, organising and writing about table tennis since 1971, and I'd love to share my knowledge of the rules with you. So...
So let's take a closer, in-depth, look at what the official table tennis rules currently say about the service. (If you only want to know the very basic rules about the service, you'll find them here). You'll also find the most frequently asked questions (and answers) about the ser...
How well do you know your table tennis rules? If the ball hits the white lines or the edge of the table, or the side of the table, is it in or out? What if the ball hits the net? What do the rules say? Well it's all fairly straightforward. Need your questions about the Rules...
You’d be surprised how many intermediate and competitive table tennis players don’t know all the rules of the game. Don’t get caught out! Learn the rules and then nobody can cheat you out of a point. Start winning If you follow these twelve simple steps and put in plenty of practic...
Detailed Table Tennis Tables reviews, along with specs, comparisons and guides to help you make the right choice.
As a beginner, it's nice to be told which basic table tennis rules are the ones that you need to know straightaway, and also to have a bit of an explanation about some of the tricky aspects. So that's what we are going to do in this article. I'll tell you the basic ping-pong...
Basic Table Tennis Rules I’ve summarised the official (and very long) rules of the ITTF in these basic table tennis rules. These should be all you need to start playing a game. Service Rules The service must start with the ball in an open palm.This stops you from throwing it up with...
•Tabletennisisverypopular,especiallyinEastAsiaandisamongthemostpopularsportsintheworldintermsofplayernumbersaswellasoneofthenewestofthemajorsports.Table-tennisRules Thebasicrules ScoringAmatchisplayedbest3of5games(or4/7or5/9).Foreachgame,thefirstplayertoreach11pointswinsthatgame,howeveragamemustbewonbyat...
Learning to play table tennis for fun is easy ... but learning how to play to ahigh standardrequires much more than just learning thebasic skillsand therules of the game. By the way,if you don't know the difference between table tennis and ping pong you can find out here. ...
, if after five minutes the score remained the same ,then prolong five minutes again until the score have different. In the match every player have four fouls ,if the player get fifth foul he will be can not play in this match, so basketball rules are very strict. tennis basic rules:...