<el-table :data="familyInfo" border> <template #empty> <div class="flex flex-row justify-center items-center space-x-2"> <span>点击 + 按钮新增家庭成员</span> </div> </template> <el-table-column prop="relation" label="关系" align="center"> <template #default="{ row, $index }"...
Tailwind CSS 168 Nuxt 162 Games 160 Website 140 Todo 139 Miscellaneous 136 Calendar 133 Images 132 Dashboard 115 Editor 111 Tool 110 Template 109 Charts 103 Table 98 Picker 97 Form 95 Typescript 90 Input 89 Vite 89 Admin Template 88 Scroll 83 Slider 78 Sel...
<template> <div class="p-5"> <h1 class="mb-5 text-base text-gray-100 bg-red-400 p-2 border-4 border-green-400 rounded-md"> element-plus table表格二次封装 <span class="ml-6">(此标题样式使用Tailwind Css生成)</span> </h1> <!-- 带有分页的表格 --> <el-card> <template #head...
bootstraptablebootstrap4bootstrap-tabletailwindtailwindcsstailwindcss-plugin UpdatedJun 18, 2019 JavaScript bootstrapTable extension of treeView bootstraptreetablebootstrap-tabletreeviewbootstraptable UpdatedJun 15, 2022 JavaScript 现在周围的人都在做微商,如果每天订单量大的话,大量的时间会花费在给顾客快递单...
vue3-datatable-tailwind Datatable component for Vue3 composition API and tailwind with the basic functionalities such as Pagination, Sort, Search and more Demo https://jocular-bombolone-c89826.netlify.app/ Project setup npm i shady-vue3-datatable Basic Usage <template> <DataTable :data-per...
Tailwind CSS Project These are projects built with the Tailwind CSS framework. Install npm install -D tailwindcss npx tailwindcss init add path to all your template module.exports = { content: ["./src/**/*.{html,js}"], theme: { extend: {}, }, plugins: [], }; add the the direct...
tailwindcss表头/行中的隐藏类 默认值是display: table-cell,所以设置sm:table-cell应该可以做到这一点。这是你的剧本https://play.tailwindcss.com/g7PJ6ETsX5的混音 编辑:您总是可以在“计算属性”选项卡内的检查器中找到元素的默认显示属性。 如何激活隐藏输入的功能?
Tailwind CSS168 Nuxt162 Games160 Website140 Todo139 Miscellaneous136 Calendar133 Images132 Dashboard115 Editor111 Tool110 Template109 Charts103 Table98 Picker97 Form95 Typescript90 Input89 Vite89 Admin Template88 Scroll83 Slider78 Select73
如何修复这个"Tailwind CSS弃用“错误? 如何修复这个错误“fatal: protocol '[https‘is not supported "? 如何修复python tkinter StringVar的这个错误? 我不能修复这个分段错误 如何修复这个regexp? 如何修复这个ValueError? 如何修复这个宏? 如何修复这个if语句 如何修复这个python程序中的EoF错误? 页面内容是否对你有...
Cutting-edge design with several built-in themes, such as Fluent, Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap, Material, and Fabric. Utilize the online Theme Studio tool to customize themes easily. Globalization and localization Enables users from different locales to use the component by formatting dates, currency, ...