Azure Table Storage では、大規模な半構造化データセットを使用して迅速な開発を行うための NoSQL キー値ストアを使用できます。今すぐ始めましょう。
Azure の一部のサービスについては、サービスを監視するための開始点となる監視ダッシュボードが Azure portal に組み込まれています。 これらのダッシュボードは、"分析情報" と呼ばれており、Azure portal の Azure Monitor の [分析情報ハブ] にあります。 Azure Storage の分析情報では、ス...
Azure Storage provides rich client libraries for building apps with .NET, Java, Android, C++, Node.js, PHP, Ruby, and Python. The client libraries offer advanced capabilities for Table storage, including OData support for querying and optimistic locking capabilities. Data in Azure Storage is also...
Access Key (Azure Government)Auth ID: keyBasedAuthApplicable: Azure Government and Department of Defense (DoD) in Azure Government and US Government (GCC) and US Government (GCC-High) onlyProvide Azure Storage account name (or table endpoint) and Access Key to access your Azure Table Storage....
Azure Table storage is a service that stores non-relational structured data (also known as structured NoSQL data) in the cloud, providing a key/attribute store with a schemaless design. Because Table storage is schemaless, it's easy to adapt your data as the needs of your application evolve...
Azure Table storage is a service that stores non-relational structured data (also known as structured NoSQL data) in the cloud, providing a key/attribute store with a schemaless design. Because Table storage is schemaless, it's easy to adapt your data as the needs of your application ...
首先是在你的一个Azure Storage下,可以新建多个表. 每个表按照规定会拥有至少3个字段字段:PartitionKey(分区键)/RowKey(行键)/Timestamp(时间戳,注意这个存的是Utc时间). 在上述三个字段之外,你可以自定义任意自己的字段(但是注意一个实体最多1M大小的限制), 而且可以我第一行数据100个字段,第二行数据20个字段...
| Profile Data | The Data Export Process - Initiating the Export Process, Generating the Export Data, Exporting the Report Data | Inside the Implementation | Storing Business Expense Data in Azure Table Storage - How Many Tables?, Partition Keys and Row Keys, Defining the Schemas, Retrieving Re...
| Profile Data | The Data Export Process - Initiating the Export Process, Generating the Export Data, Exporting the Report Data | Inside the Implementation | Storing Business Expense Data in Azure Table Storage - How Many Tables?, Partition Keys and Row Keys, Defining the Schemas, Retrieving Re...
Azure Storage 是微软 Azure 云提供的云端存储解决方案,当前支持的存储类型有 Blob、Queue、File 和 Table,其中的 Table 就是本文的主角 Azure Table storage。本文通过对一个日志表的操作介绍了 Azure Table storage 的一个典型应用场景和基本的使用方法,从操作的代码上看和传统的 sql 表操作差别还是挺大的。希望...