Hi @Arya Soman,As you’ve mentioned that you have our Table Filter and Charts for Confluence app, you may use its Table Spreadsheet macro for the case.The macro allows you to use the Excel-like “Hide selected column”/”Show hidden column” features Amy Wei I'm New Here January 10, ...
If to talk about the Table Spreadsheet macro and its .xlsx export, both new lines and merged cells are preserved. What concerns the apps in general (not only our add-on), we are aware that users can't download apps themselves. As usual, the process includes...
The grid editor supports pasting data from the major spreadsheet applications, such as Excel and OpenOffice. The grid editor supports pasting single data as well as block of data. Copy/paste of binary data is transparent between grids or in the same grid. Binary files may also be copied in ...
If you are talking about the Table Filter, Charts & Spreadsheets for Confluence app, then you may use the Excel-like dropdown option inside its Table Spreadsheet macro. If you need dropdowns inside native Confluence tables, then you need the Handy macros app and its Handy...