SQL Rename Table实例讲解 SQLRENAME TABLE用于更改表的名称。 有时,表的名称没有意义或因为一些其它原因需要更改。 重命名数据库中表的语法。 ALTERTABLEtable_name RENAMETOnew_table_name; 可以编写以下命令来重命名表(可选)。 RENAME old_table _nameTonew_table_name; 假设有一个名为Students的表,现在由于某...
Once you create a table in SQL, you may want to rename it. This might happen if you are creating a new table to replace it, or have come up with a better name for it. In this article, you’ll learn the SQL commands to rename a table in Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, and PostgreSQL...
Hive can manage the addition of resources to a session where those resources need to be made available at query execution time. Any locally accessible file can be added to the session. Once a file is added to a session, hive query can refer to this file by its name (in map/reduce/tran...
RENAME TABLE 命令适用于视图,但视图不能重命名到另一个数据库。 专门为重命名的表或视图授予的任何权限都不会迁移到新名称,必须手动更改。 RENAME TABLE tbl_name TO new_tbl_name 更改以字符串 “tbl_name_ibfk_” 开头的内部生成的外键约束名称和用户定义的外键约束名称,以反映出新的表名。InnoDB 将以字符...
RENAMETABLEtbl_nameTOnew_tbl_name [, tbl_name2TOnew_tbl_name2] ... #ALTERTABLE语法:ALTERTABLEold_table RENAME new_table; # 具体示例: mysql>showtables;+---+|Tables_in_testdb|+---+|tb1||tb2|+---+2rowsinset(0.00sec) mysql>renametabletb1tonew_tb1; Query OK,0rowsaffected (0.03...
修改表名 alter table 表名 rename 新表名 数据操作语言(DML) 操作数据(增、删、改)关键字:insert、delete、update。 1. 添加数据 指定列名添加 insert into 表名(字段名 1、字段名 2)values(数值 1、数值 2) 全部列的添加 insert into 表名 values(数值 1、···、最后一个数值) ...
Assembly:Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo (in Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll) Syntax C# publicvoidRename(stringnewname) Parameters newname Type:System.String AStringvalue that specifies the new name of the table. Implements IRenamable.Rename(String) Examples ...
Use the RENAME TABLE statement to change the name of a table. The RENAME TABLE statement is an extension to the ANSI/ISO standard for SQL.
Cert_ID (Transact-SQL) char 和 varchar (Transact-SQL) CHAR (Transact-SQL) CHARINDEX (Transact-SQL) CHECKPOINT (Transact-SQL) CHECKSUM (Transact-SQL) CHECKSUM_AGG (Transact-SQL) CLOSE (Transact-SQL) CLOSE MASTER KEY (Transact-SQL) CLOSE SYMMETRIC KEY (Transact-SQL) ...
. It is an identifier for the default filegroup and must be delimited, as in ON"default"or ON[default]. If"default"is specified, the QUOTED_IDENTIFIER option must be ON for the current session. This is the default setting. For more information, seeSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER (Transact-SQL)....