A very simple way to rename table in PostgreSQL is using alter table statement. While changing table name you would be thinking about what will happen to indexes and other constraints on the table. Obviously these questions are obvious so lets explore more about it. Overview of PostgreSQL Renam...
PostgreSQL Tutorials: How To Rename A TableYou can rename a table in PostgreSQL by using the ‘ALTER TABLE’ command as follows: ALTER TABLE tablename RENAME TO preferredtablename; If the table name has odd characters in it, then a syntax error might be generated which can be solved by ...
If you rename a table that does not exist, PostgreSQL will issue an error. To avoid the error, you can use theIF EXISTSoption: ALTERTABLEIFEXISTStable_nameRENAMETOnew_table_name; In this case, if thetable_namedoes not exist, PostgreSQL will issue a notice instead. ...
PostgreSQLprovides aRENAME COLUMNclause that is used with the collaboration ofALTER TABLEcommand to rename a column. TheRENAME COLUMNcommand allows us to rename a single or multiple columns.PostgreSQLdoesn’t provide the“IF EXISTS”option for the“RENAME COLUMN”command. This write-up will explain ...
How to Rename a Table in PostgreSQL? The“ALTER TABLE”command can be used along with the“RENAME TO”clause to rename a specific table: ALTER TABLE tbl_name RENAME TO modified_tbl_name; In the above snippet, -ALTER TABLEis a command. ...
ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME COLUMN column_name(修改表中的列名称) ALTERTABLEmovies.movies_aliyundrive-- RENAME COLUMN "仅供学习参考使用,下载后请于24小时内删除.不" TO "分类",-- RENAME COLUMN f2 TO "名称",RENAMECOLUMNf3TO"链接";
The following statement changes the name of the links table to urls: ALTER TABLE links RENAME TO urls; In this tutorial, you have learned how to use the PostgreSQL ALTER TABLE statement to change the structure of an existing table.
You can see the result in the following figure - You can also rename a column. Let's see how - ALTER TABLE student_details RENAME student_id TO student_roll; Powered By The above query renames the student_id column to student_roll. You can also verify this using a select query, ...
Oracle SQL Rename Table To rename a table inOracle SQL, use the ALTER TABLE statement, in the same way as MySQL and PostgreSQL: ALTERTABLEold_nameRENAMETOnew_name; You simply add in your current table name and the new table name and run the command. There’s no need to specify the sc...
关于PostgreSQL中的ALTER TABLE命令,它是一个非常重要的命令,用于修改表结构。ALTER TABLE命令可以用于添加、删除、修改表中的列,以及修改表的名称、约束等。 以下是一些常用的ALTER TABLE命令的示例: 添加列: 代码语言:txt 复制 ALTER TABLE table_name ADD COLUMN column_name data_type; 删除列: 代码语言:txt ...