CREATE HADOOP TABLE orders ( orderkey INT NOT NULL, orderdate TIMESTAMP, o_comment STRING COMMENT 'comment column' NOT NULL ); LOAD HADOOP USING FILE URL '/tmp/somedata/orders.txt' WITH SOURCE PROPERTIES ( 'ignore.extra.fields'='true', 'field.delimiter'='|' ) INTO TABLE orders OVERWRIT...
Suppose you have a one-to-many relationship between Shippers and Orders and you want to delete a Shipper. If the shipper you want to delete has orders in the Orders table, those orders will become "orphans" when you delete the Shipper record. The orders will still contain a shipper ID, ...
In this example, the OrdersHistory table has the following two partitions and both partitions are empty: Partition 1 (no data): OrderDate < '2004-01-01' Partition 2 (empty): '2004-01-01' <= OrderDate For the previous two tables, the following command moves all rows with OrderDate < ...
Suppose you have a one-to-many relationship between Shippers and Orders and you want to delete a Shipper. If the shipper you want to delete has orders in the Orders table, those orders will become "orphans" when you delete the Shipper record. The orders will still contain a shipper ID, ...
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(...); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); DataTableMapping dtm1, dtm2, dtm3; dtm1 = da.TableMappings.Add("Table", "Employees"); dtm2 = da.TableMappings.Add("Table1", "Products"); dtm3 = da.TableMappings.Add("Table2", "Orders"); da.Fill(ds); ...
To build your visual between the Sales and Orders tables, you will need to establish a relationship between this new common date table and the Sales and Orders tables. As a result, you will be able to build visuals by using the new date table. To complete this task, go to Model tab ...
noindividualsystemprivileges.TheSL_REPuserexecutesthiscommandtocreateatable:SQL>CREATETABLEorders(oidnumber(6),odatedate,ccodenumber(4),oamtnumber(10,2))TABLESPACEpurchase_space;ThePURCHASE_SPACEtablespacealreadyexistsinthedatabase.Whichstatementdescribestheeffectofthecommand() A.Thecommandexecutessuccessfully...
When used on a partitioned table, ALTER TABLE ... ORDER BY orders rows within each partition only. Partitioning Optionspartition_options signifies options that can be used with partitioned tables for repartitioning, to add, drop, discard, import, merge, and split partitions, and to perform par...
val tableEnv=TableEnvironment.create(settings)//对已注册的表进行 SQL 查询//注册名为 “Orders” 的表tableEnv.executeSql("CREATE TABLE Orders (`user` BIGINT, product STRING, amount INT) WITH (...)");//在表上执行 SQL 查询,并把得到的结果作为一个新的表val result =tableEnv.sqlQuery("SELEC...
CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE today_sales ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS AS SELECT * FROM orders WHERE order_date = SYSDATE; Substitutable Table and Column ExamplesThe following statement creates a substitutable table from the person_t type, which was created in "Type Hierarchy Example":CREATE TABLE ...