ERROR 1050 (42S01): Table xxx already exists 今天遇到一个关于MySQL求助的问题,修改表结构时遇到“ERROR 1050 (42S01): table xxx already exits" mysql> ALTER TABLE DAY_BOOK_REPORT ADD UNIT_PRICE_PCS DOUBLE(12,2) DEFAULT NULL; ERROR 1050 (42S01): TABLE 'INVGSP/#SQL-IB379' ALREADY EXIST...
ERROR 1050 (42S01): Table xxx already exists 今天遇到一个关于MySQL求助的问题,修改表结构时遇到“ERROR 1050 (42S01): table xxx already exits" mysql> ALTER TABLE DAY_BOOK_REPORTADD UNIT_PRICE_PCSDOUBLE(12,2) DEFAULT NULL; ERROR 1050 (42S01): TABLE 'INVGSP/#SQL-IB379' ALREADY EXISTS m...
{ 0, "Mary" }); table.Rows.Add(new object[] { 1, "Andy" }); table.Rows.Add(new object[] { 2, "Peter" }); table.AcceptChanges(); return table; } private static DataTable GetIntegerTable() { // Create sample Customers table, in order // to demonstrate the behavior of the ...
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.new_table AS TABLE public.src_table; NOTICE: relation "new_table" already exists, skipping 场景3:仅复制表结构,不同步数据。 CREATE TABLE public.new_table AS TABLE public.src_table WITH NO DATA; 场景4:复制新表并同步select查询的数据。 CREATE TABLE
Returns the only element of a sequence that satisfies a specified condition or a default value if no such element exists; this method throws an exception if more than one element satisfies the condition. SingleOrDefault<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>) Returns the only element of a sequence, or...
400 InvalidDBName.Duplicate Specified DB name already exists in the This instance. 当前实例中已存在相同的数据库名称。请更换名称。 400 InvalidParameters.Format Specified parameters is not valid. 无效的参数。 400 InvalidAvZone.Format Specified AvZone is not valid. 指定的AvZone不合法,请检查该参数的正...
ON UPDATE CASCADE, SET NULL, or SET DEFAULT can't be defined if an INSTEAD OF trigger ON UPDATE already exists on the table that is being altered. For example, in the AdventureWorks2022 database, the ProductVendor table has a referential relationship with the Vendor table: ProductVendor.Busin...
If you enable a unique or primary key constraint, and if no index exists on the key, Oracle creates a unique index. This index is dropped if the constraint is subsequently disabled, and Oracle rebuilds the index every time the constraint is enabled. To avoid rebuilding the index and elimi...
Parameter rdisp/start_icman no longer exists and is ignored. Reason and Prerequisites The configuration option was removed. Solution Intended behaviour. Other Terms ICM, Instance 2.17 ABAPTWL - Removal of OSS1 (Logon to SAP Service Marketplace) Application Components:BC-CCM-MON Related Notes: ...
system-object-identifier must not be the same as a table, view, alias, or index that already exists at the current server. The system-object-identifier must be an unqualified system identifier. When system-object-identifier is specified, table-name must not be a valid system object name. ...