元素周期表 - Periodic Table of Elements 1.1 原子与元素 - Atom and Element 1.2 周期 - Period 1.3 族 - Group 1.4 成组元素 - Collective of Elements 基础化合物的命名构词法 - Basic Compound Nomenclature 2.1 物质的分类 - Classification of Matter 2.1.1 物质,纯净物与混合物 - Matter, Pure Substanc...
The Periodic Table of Elements: Element Name Origins (元素周期表每个元素名称的来源,大图请戳http://t.cn/R5Xhzsk)
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periodic a. 1.周期的,定期的,循环的 2.高碘的 3.封闭的(曲线) non periodic 非周期,非周期的 periodic(al) 定期的,间歇 quasi periodic 准周期的 elements [element]的复数 table n.[C] 1.桌子,台子;餐桌 2.餐桌全套餐具;就餐 3.(常作a table)一桌酒菜;饭菜,伙食 4.工作台;手术台;验尸解...
More so than any of the other major groups of elements in the periodic table, the transition metals have shaped human history and have been the workhorses of industry. The discovery of metallic copper ended the Stone Age and ushered...
元素周期表-中英文带音标-Periodic Table of Elements
IUPAC 2022 英文版 IUPAC PTE-IUPAC.pdf 55.6K· 百度网盘 CCS 2019 中文版 CCS PTE-CCS.pdf 653.3K· 百度网盘 ACS PTE-ACS.pdf 264.4K· 百度网盘 PTE from Ptable.com Ptable.com Ptable.com Periodic Table.pdf 3.9M· 百度网盘 PTE from Ptable.com-wide Ptable.com-wide periodic-table-wide....
Discover the history, structure, and importance of the periodic table of elements, from Mendeleev’s discovery to modern scientific applications.When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it works. Jump...
IP属地:湖北上传时间:2022-01-30格式:DOC页数:1大小:63.50KB积分:15版权申诉 全文预览已结束 下载本文档 版权说明:本文档由用户提供并上传,收益归属内容提供方,若内容存在侵权,请进行举报或认领 文档简介 Periodic Table of Elements A l ka l ine Nob l e *Lanthanides Actinides...
化学元素周期表的英文全称 Periodic Table of the Elements 缩写PTE拉丁文英文 1 H 氢 Hydrogenium Hydrogen 2 He 氦 Helium Helium 3 Li 锂 Lithum Lithum 4 Be 铍 Beryllium Beryllium