Evidence table Reference Aim Qualitative studies [61] To explore and define the meaning of collaborative practice as experienced by the NP and MP. Methodologies/ Design Exploratory and descriptive qualitative study (Grounded Theory) [60] To understand the Exploratory experiences of NPs qualitative and ...
Grammatical range and accuracy: The sample answer includes many examples of complex sentences that combine a main point with supporting evidence in two clauses. Teacher’s Note IELTS TeacherThis IELTS Writing Task 1 answer is a great example of how a focus on one particular trend can result in...
Number of times a device's Edge Hub queue size (sum) was over the configured threshold during the evaluation period. query // To create an alert for this query, click '+ New alert' let qlenThreshold = 100; InsightsMetrics | where Origin == "iot.azm.ms" and Namespace == "metricsmodu...
Sample queries by table Читатианглійською«Додати» Друк TwitterLinkedInFacebookЕлектроннапошта Стаття 21.02.2024 Video Indexer Audit by account id Display audit events for account (AccountId = <Guid ID>), with an optional filter...
There is evidence of the ability to use some complex sentences and structures. For instance: whereas the community schools... the relatively small percentage of pupils attending this type of school (12%) also fell... while the other three types of school... ...
First, retention in SNAP is low, with approximately one-half of entering cases leaving in the first year. Second, qualitative evidence and quantitative simulations suggest that approximately half of those who exit in the first year remain eligible. Third, using the staggered roll-out of an ...
Master with fine-tuning can achieve much higher TSR performance than without fine-tuning (55.52%→ 93.13%, 2.974%→ 11.00%). These experiment results are strong evidence of usability for the TSR sub-task. TableMaster without pre-training has a TEDS score of 16.61%, which reveals the ...
However, current scientific evidence for social media's utility in health promotion is limited and inconclusive. In addition, analyzing large volumes of unstructured content generated by large number of social media users (whose characteristics may not be known) may be challenging using conventional ...
Get task E2E latency time of compute pipelines records in selected time range. query AEWComputePipelinesLogs | where EventName =~ "ScorecardRequestSucceeded" or EventName =~ "ScorecardRequestFailed" | where Properties.ExperimentationGroup =~ "test~ExperimentationGroup" | summarize ScorecardRequestTimeIn...
Count of IIS log entries by host requested by client. queryКопіювати W3CIISLog | summarize count() by csHost Total bytes traffic by client IP Total bytes sent and received by client IP address. queryКопіювати ...