Greg Roelofs' home page and sitemap (canonical URL: Personal background, resume/vita, software development (PNG, Info-ZIP, Linux, OS/2, ...), assorted photos and geek pics, writings, favorite books, etc.
Table of Contents Happy Valentine’s Day, darlings. Was crushed whenTony Bennettfailed to drown out the weekly emergency broadcast at noon today, on the 50th anniversary of when he first sang “I Left My Heart in San Francisco” at the Venetian Room in the Fairmont Hotel. Our local radio ...
No part of this publication may be translated into other languages, reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, microcopying, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher or,...
A couple eagle-eyed tablehopper readers sent in rumors and pics, and now a liquor license filing confirms it. Timing will be revealed once partner Adriano Paganini returns from a trip to Italy. 2001 Chestnut St. at Pierce. Things are moving along for the second SF location of PEARL’S ...
I had the same issue - Table of contents was crashing everytime, I did something with the text box. The best/only soulution is INDD>IDML>new INDD. You may have to save the file entirely new (delete all old files!). Thanks for the helpe! Votes 2 Upvotes Translate Translate Report...
AKAMAI WHITE PAPER UPnProxy: Blackhat Proxies via NAT Injections Table of Contents Overview 1 UPnP: What's It For? 1 What's Wrong With It? 1 How Does The NAT Injection Work? 2 The Basics: 2 Injecting a NAT Entry 3 Exposing The LAN 4 Creating a UPnProxy 5 Virtual Hosts/Domain ...
I will, as stated in the previous table of contents. Thanks for the input. Quote: I began to read old posts last night so I won't ask old questions if I have any later on, the eight first pages are read and a bunch of the things in this post. However, I can't seem to read...
I can't remember if I went into detail about how I fit all of the expansion contents into the base game box, but since I've been forgetting about the order of cleanup, I took the opportunity to detail how it all works!It's nearly a perfect fit, with the box cover sitting just sli...
Download the EasyTable class and FPDF class and put the contents in a directory in your project structure. Be sure you are usingFPDF 1.81. Quick Start create a fpdf object with exfpdf class (extension of fpdf class) create a easyTable object ...
Hargrave House is the name of a grand residence on Belgrave Square, and the shared home and workspace of the monster hunters. The house’s contents and physical spaces are explored in the gameplay, but the owner of the house, and presumed patron of the hunters, remains a mystery throughout...