首先去settings.py的__init__文件下面去加入 import pymysql pymysql.install_as_MySQLdb() 然后创建数据库,pycharm在tools下面的Run manage.py打开输入 makemigration migrate 进行创建属据库就可以了
在python3.5中可以使用pymysql,但是pymysql不支持django,下来主要说说怎么解决: 可以在setting.py同目录下的__init__.py中添加如下命令或在setting文件添加 importpymysql pymysql.install_as_MySQLdb() 然后重新同步数据库,并新建用户名密码: #python manage.py makemigrations#python manage.py migrate#python manage....
【解决】Django错误(1146,Table 'xxxx.django_session' doesn't exist,报错解决办法,settings.py中取消这行注释,讲session放缓存中没执行迁移的话,可
【求助】django..使用 django,创建了 project 和 app ,运行 python manage.py syncdb 以后,发现数据库里面没有生成对应的 table (教程上却都有创建的 )。请问这个怎么办
Table 'performance_schema.session_variables' doesn't exist Could not create connection to database server. Attempted reconnect 3 times. Giving up. 1. 2. 在数据库从库执行mysql> show global status like “%abort%”;,报如下错误: mysql> show global status like "%abort%"; ...
MySQL-uroot ERROR 2002 (HY000):Can'tconnect to localMySQLserver through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock'...首先需要明白的是,Linux端的mysqlserver启动时会开启一个socket,Linux上的MySQL的客户端在不使用IP连接时mysqlserver时,默认也会通过套接字来链接mysqlserver...不同的mysql版本,可能socket的默认路径是/tmp/...
I am getting MySQL (errno: 150) while trying to run syncdb. I have tested the same model code on Django 1.3.1 and found no problems in running syncdb, so the issue seems to has been introduced in Django 1.4, and is affecting Django 1.4+, as I has also tested on Django SVN. My ...
Error: Database test_yoshi couldn't be flushed. Possible reasons: * The database isn't running or isn't configured correctly. * At least one of the expected database tables doesn't exist. * The SQL was invalid. Hint: Look at the output of 'django-admin.py sqlflush'. That's the ...
When I install mysql-connector-python 8.0.6 or 8.0.5 (also via pip), everything works fine. But for versions 8.0.12, 14, and 19, when I use Django queryset to iterate through all the rows of a simple table (with 20 fields and 200 rows), it goes to an infinite loop and takes ...
So I got to the bottom of the issue. Django's DB Handler for MySQL starts all connections with "autocommit=0". If I do a "select" on a table with Django's ORM, it leaves transactions ACTIVE without a "commit". Now it's a select, so it shouldn't matter. In another Transaction,...