I would guess that it should be possible to achieve, but one probably have to add some Custom HTML/CSS to Confluence (found in Confluence Administration) or in a Custom HTML macro put on the page in question. For example do I use the following CSS (Added in Confluence administration -> ...
要在 Confluence 中创建目录(table of contents),你首先需要在页面上创建标题。标题用于组织页面内容,可...
Table Transformer is one of the macros bundled in theTable Filter and Charts for Confluenceapp. The macro allows you to merge and associate all kinds of tables using both automatic presets and advanced SQL queries. How to get started? Step 1. Add the macro to the page in the edit mode: ...
confluence 表格,如何使表头不随滚动条滚动而滚动? 问题:confluence 表格,如何使表头不随滚动条滚动而滚动? 解决:confluence 创建表格时选择默认的带表头的表格,好处:支持按列排序,表头不随滚动条滚动而滚动;完美解决表格太长,拖动问题 来吧,展示: 1. 排序,点击图示的排序按钮可以排序 2.滚动... ...
While rebuilding Ancestor table in Confluence, the following error is noticed in the Atlassian Confluence logs: 2020-08-05 21:25:25,308 ERROR [http-nio-8080-exec-4] [confluence.pages.ancestors.HibernatePageAncestorManager] addAncestorsToTableForDescendant Couldn't execute ...
If you're using Confluence 6.13 or earlier, seeRebuilding the Ancestor Table in Confluence 6.13.5 or earlierto find out how to rebuild the ancestor table. Theancestortable records the parent and descendant (child) relationship between pages. It is also used when determining whether a page will...
在python中可以使用xmlrpclib来调用Confluence的API。具体的实例可以看这两个链接:Updating a Confluence Wiki with a script和modify wiki page confluence programmatically.这样,第一个问题就解决了。 这里插一句,我在开始的时候不知道有这个Remote API,所以尝试过不用他来实现获取Confluence的页面内容,能够访问到对应的...
Table Filter is one of the macros bundled in theTable Filter, Charts & Spreadsheets for Confluenceapp. The macro allows you: To filter all kinds of table data To calculate totals and visualize table data To sort tables, freeze rows and columns and apply other table viewing options ...
Create a new Confluence page (with New Look enabled) Create a 2x2 table. In a cell, add text, widen the columns enough to show the change, and add indent to the start of the line. Publish the page View the page, and see the indents are still there Edit the page, indents are rese...
The Data section at the bottom of the page shows a preview of the parsed data in the Grid tab and the original source file in the File tab. If a row in the Grid tab is red, it indicates that the row will be ignored during the import process. This happens if any of the Options ...