如果对 Vendor 表中的某行执行 DELETE 语句,并且为 ProductVendor.BusinessEntityID 指定ON DELETE CASCADE 操作,则数据库引擎将检查 ProductVendor 表中的一个或多个依赖行。 如果存在依赖行,则 ProductVendor 表中的依赖行将随 Vendor 表中的被引用行一同删除。 相反,如果指定了 NO ACTION,并且 ProductVendor 表...
// Row 5 is added. table.Rows[1]["Name"] = "Sydney"; table.Rows[2].Delete(); DataRow row = table.NewRow(); row["ID"] = 5; row["Name"] = "Melony"; table.Rows.Add(row); // Note that the code doesn't call // table.AcceptChanges() return table; } Remarks The Load ...
// Row 5 is added. table.Rows[1]["Name"] = "Sydney"; table.Rows[2].Delete(); DataRow row = table.NewRow(); row["ID"] = 5; row["Name"] = "Melony"; table.Rows.Add(row); // Note that the code doesn't call // table.AcceptChanges() return table; } Remarks The Load ...
Here is an example of when PreserveChanges might come in handy. Suppose a user named Peggy has opened a screen and loaded a DataGrid with customers from a DataSet. Peggy modifies the city of the customer with CustomerID ALFKI from Berlin to New York, but doesn't click the Save button. ...
The value of COLUMN_ID is NULL for INVISIBLE columns. When you make an invisible column visible, it will be assigned the next highest available COLUMN_ID value. When you make a visible column invisible, its COLUMN_ID value is set to NULL and COLUMN_ID is decremented by 1 for any ...
The Table "example" is invalid: spec.forProvider.attribute[2].type: Invalid value: "boolean": spec.forProvider.attribute[2].type in body must be of type string: "boolean" However, when 'N'is provided instead N it is working. Now, in case DynamoDB Table is part of a composition (...
This is an advanced version of the OnAfterAttributeChange(UInt32, UInt32) method. C++/CX 复制 public: int OnAfterAttributeChangeEx(unsigned int docCookie, unsigned int grfAttribs, Microsoft::VisualStudio::Shell::Interop::IVsHierarchy ^ pHierOld, unsigned int itemidOld, Plat...
This is an advanced version of the OnAfterAttributeChange(UInt32, UInt32) method. C++/CX 复制 public: int OnAfterAttributeChangeEx(unsigned int docCookie, unsigned int grfAttribs, Microsoft::VisualStudio::Shell::Interop::IVsHierarchy ^ pHierOld, unsigned int itemidOld, P...
Here's a brief explanation about how weapon upgrades and infusions are represented in memory. I will be using decimal notation (not hex) because you will need to use math. Each weapon has a base Item ID value. For example, the Club has the ID 8000000 (decimal). For upgrades, you simpl...
getUIClassID() Returns the suffix used to construct the name of the L&F class used to render this component. boolean getUpdateSelectionOnSort() Returns true if the selection should be updated after sorting. Object getValueAt(int row, int column) Returns the cell value at row and column....